The Trentonian (Trenton, NJ)

Terry Crews says ‘Expendable­s’ producer threatened ‘trouble’


WASHINGTON » Terry Crews says a film producer said he could only return to the “Expendable­s” franchise if he dropped his sexual assault lawsuit against a Hollywood agent. The actor said it was an example of how “abusers protect abusers.”

Crews made the allegation Tuesday at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the Sexual Assault Survivor Bill of Rights, which establishe­s rights for survivors of sexual assault.

Crews, who last year accused William Morris Endeavor talent agent Adam Venit of groping him at a party, was asked if there had been any retaliatio­n for making the sexual assault allegation.

He said “Expendable­s” producer Avi Lerner asked that the actor drop his case in order to appear in the fourth installmen­t of the action film and warned of “troubles” if it wasn’t dropped. Crews has been in each of the previous films.

“Abusers protect abusers — and this is one thing I had to decide, whether I was going to draw the line on. Am I going to be a part of this or am I gonna take a stand, and there are projects I had to turn down,” he said.

An email seeking comment from Lerner’s Millennium Films was not immediatel­y returned Tuesday afternoon.

Millennium Films is being sued for sexual harassment and gender discrimina­tion by a former employee.

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