The Trentonian (Trenton, NJ)


Parker: Bombardmen­t of ads and pandering taints gov’t

- L.A. Parker Columnist L.A. Parker is a Trentonian columnist. Find him on Twitter @LAParker6 or email him at

An email attributed to former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright noted concerns about Tuesday’s mid-term elections.

“I’m worried about the future of our democracy, (L.A.). The fact of the matter is that if we don’t take back Congress on Tuesday, Donald Trump will have another two years to freely attack and undermine our institutio­ns, our values, and our allies — all without a check, all without a balance.

“We simply must give our Democratic candidates the resources they need to win on Election Day — we can’t afford to come up short. Will you make a $3 contributi­on right now?”

Albright reached out just before former President Barack Obama on Monday.

“Tomorrow’s elections are more important than any I can remember in my lifetime, and that includes when I was on the ballot, (L.A.). We need to do everything we can to get our friends, neighbors, and family to vote tomorrow — the stakes are simply too high to sit this one out.”

“Tomorrow is Election Day — confirm your polling place now and then share this link with your friends and family to get them to vote with you.”

A groundswel­l of Democratic messages continued throughout the day as Sen. Bob Menendez pitched promises while his Republican opponent Bob Hugin delivered searing television political ads that referenced the incumbent as a ..... Well, you can imagine. It’s the final hours of campaignin­g, a time when desperatio­n gets messaged as the end of the world.

By the way, no television means a fantastic escape from all the political ads which feature politician­s drenching their opponents with absurd accusation­s.

Of course, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy weighed in on this election that will either change the course of U.S. history positively or serve as precursor for the end of western civilizati­on, including these United States of Amerigo Vespucci.

Murphy did not begin with the pretention of salutation­s of Obama and Albright who penned communicat­ions with my first name. Murphy addressed all Blue candidate supporters.

“Good evening New Jersey Democrats,” Murphy wrote. “I’m writing this from the road, because I wanted to make sure you saw Mayor Baraka’s email from yesterday — it’s really important for our success on Tuesday. The ballot starts at the top with Bob Menendez, then goes to the amazing slate of Democratic House candidates and challenger­s, and finally, it goes down to local races in your county, city, or town.”

“I’m asking you to vote in every single race. You may not read about them on the front page after Election Day, but each race is an opportunit­y to build our Democratic Party from the ground up, electing leaders who know their communitie­s inside and out.”

Not a major fan of Gov. Murphy. This guy has turned into the ultimate politician who asked for votes, received 96 percent of African American support and approximat­ely 90 percent of the Latino vote, now acts like he has no idea how to find downtown Trenton.

Similar feelings exist for Lt. Gov. Sheila Oliver who had booked as the keynote speaker for the Southern Burlington NAACP eighth annual Freedom Fund awards banquet then sent a video with her apology for not attending. Not cool. People paid good money for dinner tickets with a hope to hear Oliver speak.

Wait a second. It’s 12:28 p.m. Monday afternoon. Former Sen. John Kerry just emailed.

“(L.A.) I’m asking you one last time to make a $3 donation to elect a Democratic Congress. History will remember this election as a major turning point for our party and our country, or a horrible turn away from who we’ve always been and what makes us proud to be Americans ...... We must elect a Democratic Congress (on Tuesday).

Kerry, a Secretary of State, then asked for $3 which pushed the Democratic monetary request to $15. Three-dollar appeals add up like frustratio­ns of living in the City of Trenton.

Hiring a police director morphs into the anxiety and mental capability of building a nuclear weapon while a traffic light at the intersecti­on of Chambers St. and Greenwood Ave. has been missing for ten weeks.

Then there’s two homes on Walnut Ave., one of the city’s toughest stretches of life, with doors that have been kicked in for more than three months. Politics remains local but not much can be done until 2022 with local government representa­tives.

Vote? Yes, no doubt. But with one hand holding my nose.

Politics, local and national, stink.

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 ?? FILE PHOTOS FROM GETTY IMAGES ?? Bob Hugn, left, Bob Menendez, right
FILE PHOTOS FROM GETTY IMAGES Bob Hugn, left, Bob Menendez, right
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