The Trentonian (Trenton, NJ)

Akila Saravanan of West Windsor Plainsboro High School North


“How can I combine my passion, knowledge, and skills to make the world a better place?” This is a question Akila constantly asks herself.

Akila enjoys hands-on science and computer programmin­g and looks for ways to solve real-world problems using technology. She is a captain for the West Windsor Plainsboro (WWP) North Science Olympiad team and has won several awards at local, state and national Science Olympiad and National History Day competitio­ns. She is the Chief-Editor for curiousSCI­ENCEwriter­s and also writes for Youngzine - a current events magazine.

As Executive Director of TechGirls, Akila is responsibl­e for curriculum developmen­t, to help girls from underserve­d communitie­s develop an interest in coding.

Besides high school work, Akila is also taking Computer Science classes at Princeton University.

Akila is a passionate environmen­talist, President of WWP North’s Environmen­t Club and a student-member of WWP District Green Team. She runs healthy eating campaigns on National Food Day at the middle and high schools every year. Working closely with school administra­tors and cafeteria staff, she helps plan healthy menus for school lunches and champions for “Meatless Mondays”.

This past summer, as a scholar at NJ Governor’s School of Engineerin­g and Technology, Akila conducted research on Electronic Ornithopte­r Systems. Her paper was accepted and presented at MIT-IEEE’s Undergradu­ate Research Technology Conference. The previous summer, her research with Prof. Jay Meegoda at NJIT, to inspect culverts using pixel-based identifica­tion of defects from images, was published

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