The Trentonian (Trenton, NJ)

Hopefuls eye Super Tuesday even as 2 other states loom

- By Will Weissert

WASHINGTON » Nevada votes next and then South Carolina. But top Democrats vying for their party’s presidenti­al nomination are already looking ahead to the biggest prize on the primary calendar: Super Tuesday, the slate of contests when more than a dozen states go to the polls.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren planned a town hall on Thursday night in the Washington suburb of Arlington, Va., a day before Sen. Bernie Sanders makes two North Carolina stops, then hits Texas. Pete Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Ind., will campaign in California between fundraiser­s in San Francisco and Silicon Valley.

All four states vote March 3, along with a crush of others, from Alabama to Colorado and from Maine to Utah, as well as Warren’s home state of Massachuse­tts and Sanders’ native Vermont. More than 1,300 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are at stake, about a third of the total.

The focus on Super Tuesday comes at a pivotal point in the campaign. For Sanders and Buttigieg, who have emerged in strong positions after contests in Iowa and in New Hampshire, the travel gives them an opportunit­y to show their national appeal and woo larger concentrat­ions of nonwhite voters. For struggling candidates like Warren, it’s a signal that they are still in the fight.

And for everyone, it’s a chance to prove they won’t cede this swath of delegate-rich states to Michael Bloomberg, the billionair­e former New York mayor who has spent months building his campaign around Super Tuesday. He campaigned in Tennessee on Wednesday and planned to be in Texas and North Carolina on Thursday.

“All bets are off this cycle,” said Texas Democratic strategist Colin Strother, who is bullish on Bloomberg’s chances of resonating in his state and beyond.

So far, there is no sign that candidates are completely bypassing Nevada or South Carolina. Every leading contender will be in Nevada this weekend as early voting begins. Democrats will caucus there on Feb. 22.

But some are shifting their resources as they begin an awkward balancing act of paying attention to the remaining early states while stockpilin­g enough money to keep themselves in the conversati­on in the bevy of contests unfolding next month. Warren, for instance, will be in South Carolina on Friday but is pulling television advertisin­g from the state after this weekend. Some of that money will instead go to the Super Tuesday state of Maine.

Bloomberg, who is selffundin­g his campaign, doesn’t have to make such considerat­ions. He has skipped the first four states to deploy a political shockand-awe campaign after that, spending heavily on television ads while already hiring more than 2,100 staffers in 40 states and U.S. territorie­s, including all voting on Super Tuesday.

Past candidates have tried to forgo the early states in favor of larger ones voting later, with little success — including another former New York mayor, Rudy Giuliani, in 2008. But Bloomberg is making a larger bet on doing so than anyone has. He is worth an estimated $60 billion and has already spent more than $200 million to hastily build a campaign infrastruc­ture — with promises of plenty more where that came from.

The candidates doing battle before Super Tuesday, meanwhile, are a study in contrasts. Warren has deep campaign infrastruc­ture in around 30 states but little momentum. Former Vice President Joe Biden left New Hampshire for South Carolina before the polls even closed on Tuesday, has important connection­s there and is counting on that to carry him in other southern Super Tuesday states. But he, so far, has fared worse than Warren.

Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar placed a strong third in New Hampshire but hasn’t yet built a national campaign, while Buttigieg is on a roll but faces questions about his appeal beyond the early majoritywh­ite states.

Fresh off his New Hampshire win, Sanders has already predicted victory in Nevada and California, pointing in part to his campaign’s outreach to Latino voters. But he has also bet on record turnout that never materializ­ed in Iowa, despite his efforts to grow the electorate.

Warren and Sanders have been sharply critical of Bloomberg, accusing him of trying to buy the election. In a memo coming out of New Hampshire, Warren’s team sought to reassure supporters that it will find its political footing on Super Tuesday, arguing the senator should win the minimum support required to claim delegates — at least 15% — in 108 of the 150 districts voting, or two-thirds of the Super Tuesday map.

“Warren is poised to finish in the top two in eight of 14 Super Tuesday states and “in the top three in all of them,” Warren’s campaign manager, Roger Lau, wrote.

 ?? GEORGE WALKER IV — THE TENNESSEAN VIA AP ?? Democratic presidenti­al candidate Michael Bloomberg speaks at his early vote rally at Rocketown in Nashville, Tenn., Wednesday.
GEORGE WALKER IV — THE TENNESSEAN VIA AP Democratic presidenti­al candidate Michael Bloomberg speaks at his early vote rally at Rocketown in Nashville, Tenn., Wednesday.

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