The Trentonian (Trenton, NJ)

Chaos consumes White House


Commander-Of-Chaos Trump has hired some questionab­le people to fill government positions, and his poor judgement has created chaos in the White House.

Michael Flynn, National Security Adviser, lied to the FBI, and he was fired. Tom Price, Secretary of Health and Human Services, resigned because of use of government aircraft for private business. David Shulkin, Secretary of the VA, was fired because of lavish travel costs. Scott Pruitt, EPA Administra­tor, resigned because of lavish travel costs. Ben Carson, Secretary of Housing and Urban Developmen­t, was in trouble due to extravagan­t furniture expenditur­es.

Since Trump’s inaugurati­on 35 high level officials have left the White House, including huge turnover of National Security officials. Thomas Bossert, Homeland Security Adviser resigned. Ricky Waddell, Deputy National Security Adviser; Nadia Schadlow, Senior

NSC official; and Michael Anton, NSC Strategic Communicat­ions left the administra­tion.

The ongoing chaos in the White House translates into chaos and violence in the streets of our country.

The Commander-Of-Chaos threatens our security with his blundering decisions, and the White House chaos with its lack of leadership has led to over 180,000 deaths and 6 million coronaviru­s cases in the U.S., which is 25% of worldwide cases with only 4% of the world population.

— Donald Moskowitz

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