The Trentonian (Trenton, NJ)

Federal funds

- — Ed Note

I’m looking at Trenton. I’ve been here seventy-five years. I understand the federal government’s going to send Trenton some money. Lots of money. Who gets the money? What department does it go to in, Trenton, New Jersey. Cuz parts of Trenton looks very good some parts of the other parts of Trenton looks sickly. In other words, it’s the capital and it still looks ugly.

— A reader

It all depends on what the funding is for, as to where in the city it goes. I know there is some money coming from the COVID relief bill and it is supposed to be marked for specific things, some for PPE, some for small business support, some for testing and vaccinatio­ns, etc. They don’t cut a check to the city and just tell them to have at it.

— Ed Note

Thank you

I want to thank you for your last few articles on the Covid-19 situation in New Jersey. Finally, the truth is coming out. What amazes me is that most of the media refuses to look at the data, even though daily up to date data is prominentl­y displayed on the CDC’s Covid website.

I also appreciate today’s article describing the unscientif­ic pausing recommenda­tion for J&J’s vaccine by the CDC and FDA. Presenting the numbers (facts) shows how damaging the pause will be. The American

people should be outraged by the CDC and FDA actions. I would hope that governors and others would ignore the recommenda­tion and continue with the J&J roll-out. Note that certain countries (most notably France) have announced that they are continuing the J&J vaccinatio­ns.

— A reader

I don’t know what sources you’re reading, but I have seen some pretty good reporting on COVID all along. Yeah, there is some crap out there too, but reputable publicatio­ns and news sites have been providing reputable coverage since the beginning. Or almost since the beginning,

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