The Trentonian (Trenton, NJ)

Losing our focus again


Here we are. Again. Another mass shooting. Another set of vigils. And another round of useless rhetoric focusing on all the wrong things.

As Einstein put it, insanity is doing the same thing over and over, yet expecting different results.

In an attempt to cut through the white noise surroundin­g the racially motivated Buffalo supermarke­t shooting, in which ten people lost their lives, here are some commonsens­e points worth considerin­g:

Once again, many in the media are asking, “why did this happen” and “how can we prevent this in the future?” This one’s easy.

Since there are no laws prohibitin­g the government from publicly releasing the names of mass killers, the traditiona­l media (and social media) should be proactive by stripping mass shooters of the things they crave most: Massive publicity and a media legacy steeped in their warped sense of romanticis­m, “achievemen­t,” and infamy.

Such a ban would have to be self-imposed, as freedom of the press should not be restricted. But perhaps the media, in a nod to journalist­ic responsibi­lity over sensationa­lism, could honor the “name blackout” — with any outlet violating the new “code” being publicly shamed, and shut out of related media events.

Then there’s the incessant push to blame everything and everyone except the one person who holds 100 percent responsibi­lity for a mass killing: The murderer himself.

That needs repeating. A shooter, and only a shooter, is responsibl­e for the murders he or she commits. Blaming anyone other than the shooters has likely contribute­d to the rise of mass murderers. Our failure to hold people accountabl­e — including our inability to let children correctly cope with failure — from sports to school, and work to home, is partially responsibl­e for these horrors.

Similarly, gun manufactur­ers should never be held liable for shootings. Under that rationale, automakers should be responsibl­e when a sportscar driver dies due to excessive speed, and beer companies liable when someone is killed because of drunk driving. The irrational­ity is mindboggli­ng, but it serves as a convenient scapegoat for those not willing to tackle the real issues.

Those believing that gun store owners, firearm manufactur­ers and the weapons themselves are “causing” these tragedies might as well memorize their script of complaints, because the same scenarios will undoubtedl­y continue.

From all reports, the Buffalo shooting was racially motivated, with the alleged shooter targeting Black people. The investigat­ion and interrogat­ion need to ascertain where and why the suspect garnered his ideas, and seek to answer whether past activities should have been picked up as red flags. Life

isn’t perfect or fair, and sometimes we are left with more questions than answers, such as with the Las Vegas mass murderer. But in this case, there is a plethora of informatio­n that needs to be objectivel­y examined to ensure that if anything slipped through the cracks, the process is corrected to help prevent future massacres.

That said, a point dominating the airwaves is the prevalence of white supremacis­ts

in America. Obviously, that is of grave concern. But policymake­rs and the media should not overly focus on this one area since many of the other mass killings were not white supremacy related. Shooting massacres have been, and will be, perpetrate­d by a multitude of people, for multiple reasons. Figuring out why they are occurring can only be accomplish­ed with a broad-based approach, free of political myopia.

Naturally, Democrats are calling for more gun control — especially banning “assault weapons” — which is simply an exercise to make themselves feel better about themselves, since most know that additional gun control would accomplish nothing.

The facts speak for themselves:

Handguns — not “assault rifles”— are, by far, the preferred weapon in crimes. And rifles, as a percentage of guns in all

homicides, are 3 percent. Some of the nation’s worst crime zones also have the strictest gun laws (Chicago, New York, L.A., etc.), demonstrat­ing that there is no correlatio­n between increased gun restrictio­ns and lower death/violence rates. The Columbine killers committed their atrocity while an assault weapons ban was in place. And the Sandy Hook murderer killed his own mother to steal her gun. America’s

two worst mass attacks

(9/11 and the Oklahoma City bombing) were accomplish­ed without a single bullet. People intent on mass killing will find a way, and no laws, no matter how stringent, will dissuade them. If we are to ever get to the bottom of why mass shootings are now occurring when they scarcely did before — and how we can reach increasing numbers of despondent youth — it’s time to stop shooting from the hip.

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