The Trentonian (Trenton, NJ)

Fetterman, Oz vie for Black voters in close Pa. Senate campaign

- By Mike Catalini and Marc Levy

PHILADELPH­IA >> As Sheila Armstrong grew emotional in recounting how her brother and nephew were killed in Philadelph­ia, Dr. Mehmet Oz, sitting next to her inside a Black church, their chairs arranged a bit like his former daytime TV show set, placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Later, he gave her a hug, and asked, “How do you cope?”

Two days later, on a stage 4 miles away, Oz’s Democratic rival for Pennsylvan­ia’s U.S. Senate seat, John Fetterman, stood with Lee and Dennis Horton and spoke of his efforts as lieutenant governor to free the two Black men from life sentences.

“Almost 30 years in prison, condemned to die in prison as innocent men, and I fought to make sure they come out to their families,” Fetterman told the crowd.

Black voters are at the center of an increasing­ly competitiv­e battle in a race that could tilt control of the Senate, as Democrats try to harness outrage over the Supreme Court’s abortion decision and Republican­s tap the national playbook to focus on crime in cities.

They are perhaps the Democratic Party’s most loyal supporters. About 9 in 10 Black voters nationally went for Joe Biden in 2020, according to AP VoteCast, an expansive survey of more than 110,000 voters nationwide. In Pennsylvan­ia,

the support was similar, at 94%.

There is no evidence of a looming mass defection to Republican­s like Oz. But if he can peel off even a small share, or if a critical mass of Black voters choose not to vote, it might prove consequent­ial in a race that polls show as close.

In Philadelph­ia, where Black voters are the largest bloc in the swing state’s biggest Democratic bastion, some activists question Democrats’ outreach and fret about turnout.

‘Not this realizatio­n’

Charles Ellison, the executive producer and host of “Reality Check,” a daily public-affairs program on Philadelph­ia’s prominent Black-themed WURD radio, said Democrats lack a unified message tailored for the Black community and didn’t undertake a longterm investment in Black voter outreach.

“There’s just not this realizatio­n that’s occurring that Pennsylvan­ia is a national battlegrou­nd and Philadelph­ia is the cornerston­e in that,” Ellison said. “And the only way you’re going to get Philadelph­ia and the only way you’re going to get Pennsylvan­ia is through maximum Black voter turnout.”

Fetterman may benefit from this year’s governor’s race.

In it, Democrat Josh Shapiro’s campaign said it is investing $3 million in Black voter outreach, while his opponent, Republican Doug Mastriano, has drawn criticism from members of his party for focusing almost exclusivel­y on his rightwing base.

Shapiro is also making regular visits to Black churches and businesses, has rolled out a platform to expand pathways to jobs and create wealth in Black communitie­s, and endorsed a Black man, Austin Davis, for lieutenant governor.

In the Senate race, millions of dollars in Republican attack ads aired on TV in Philadelph­ia before Fetterman, who spent much of the summer off the campaign trail recovering from a stroke, held his first public political event there in late September.

For Oz, crime is a primary thrust. He has held two public safety-themed town halls in Black communitie­s, suggesting that Democrats have failed to protect them from violence and drugs.

Republican­s frequently point to gun violence in Philadelph­ia and have sought to undercut one of Fetterman’s avenues of appeal to Black voters: his efforts as lieutenant governor to free the over-incarcerat­ed, rehabilita­ted or innocent. Republican­s cast it as freeing dangerous criminals to roam the streets.

Fetterman and Democrats call that a lie and fearmonger­ing that underestim­ates support among Black voters for giving second chances. And they say Black voters know they can trust Fetterman to support the things they care about, like voting-rights legislatio­n in Congress.

The Trump factor

Oz is former President Donald Trump’s endorsed candidate.

“I think most Black people would say he was one of the worst presidents for Black people in our lifetime,” said Sharif Street, the state Democratic Party chair and the first Black person to hold the position. “I don’t think a TV commercial can override what people know to already be true.”

At Fetterman’s rally at a recreation center in northeast Philadelph­ia, at least a half-dozen Black supporters introduced Fetterman.

One of the speakers, the Rev. Mark Tyler, said Fetterman supports things that Black voters care about, such as bringing jobs to “America’s poorest big city,” ending environmen­tal racism and supporting stronger funding for city schools. Fetterman also supports criminal-justice reform and ending gun violence, Tyler said.

“He did it as a mayor in Braddock (in Allegheny County) and understand­s what it is to have to sit and stand with grieving Black families after such a tragic incident,” Tyler said.

As Fetterman stood onstage with the Hortons — brothers who had their life sentences commuted after nearly 30 years in prison, and now work for Fetterman’s campaign — he took aim at Oz’s attacks for his work to free the men.

Oz’s campaign has called the Hortons “convicted murderers” and Fetterman “the most pro-murderer candidate for the Senate in the entire country.”

The Hortons were convicted of second-degree murder in a fatal shooting during a robbery in a Philadelph­ia bar, crimes they maintained they didn’t commit. Despite opposition from the victim’s brother, Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf freed the men in late 2020, noting they had served 27 years after turning down plea deals for 5 to 10 years.

“What does it say about a person’s character if they will fight to make sure innocent men will die in prison versus a man that will fight to make sure that they’re able to get back with their families?” Fetterman asked the crowd. “That’s the choice.”

The jogger incident

Oz-allied groups have also aired TV ads reviving a 2013 incident in which Fetterman, as Braddock’s mayor, grabbed his shotgun and pursued a jogging Black man whom he suspected had been involved in gunfire nearby. No one was charged in the incident and Fetterman has said he didn’t know the man’s race before he confronted him.

“He didn’t even apologize and now he wants our vote?” says a Black woman speaking on camera in an ad by the Republican Jewish Coalition. “Not a chance.”

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