The Trentonian (Trenton, NJ)

Can 5 women with immense power keep U.S. from fiscal brink?

- By Mary Clare Jalonick and Seung Min Kim

WASHINGTON >> They are now among the most powerful women in Congress. But when they were first elected in the 1990s, they were often overlooked, or even talked down to:

• Rep. Kay Granger, RTexas, remembered that men would avoid asking her questions, addressing other men in the room instead.

• Rep. Rosa DeLauro, DConn., said a male colleague once challenged her at a hearing to describe a military tank engine produced in her district without looking at her notes.

She shot back, “Damn straight I can!”

• Sen. Susan Collins, RMaine, said that one of the first times she chaired a committee hearing, she looked around the room and realized she was the only female senator there.

• Sen. Patty Murray, DWash., recalled being seated on the far edge of the committee dais, with the more senior men making the decisions in the middle.

“I remember finally just standing up at the end of the table going, ‘Excuse me!’ Because you couldn’t get their attention,” Murray said. “Everything was decided in the middle of this table. I think it’s pretty amazing that we’re at the middle of the table now.”

This year, for the first time in history, the four leaders of the two congressio­nal spending committees are women:

• Granger is chairwoman of the House Appropriat­ions Committee; DeLauro is the top Democrat.

• Murray is Senate Appropriat­ions chairwoman and Collins is the top Republican.

• Shalanda Young, a former House aide, is the first Black woman to lead the Office of Management and Budget.

Sitting down with The Associated Press on Thursday for their first joint interview, the women talked like old friends, nodding and laughing in agreement when listening to each others’ stories about the way things used to be for women, and sometimes still are.

When they were elected, Collins said, men were automatica­lly accepted once they came to Congress but women still had to prove themselves. “That extra barrier that was definitely in place still exists to some extent, but far less than it used to,” Collins said. “Women bring different life experience­s and different perspectiv­es. And that’s why it matters.”

The women said their camaraderi­e, friendship and willingnes­s to collaborat­e will be crucial as they shoulder the massive responsibi­lity of keeping the government running and open, an annual task that will be made even harder this year as conservati­ves in the new GOP House majority are insisting on major spending cuts and the U.S. is at risk of default.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., won his post only after agreeing to several demands of those far-right members, creating a dynamic that could prove perilous for negotiatio­ns as Congress must raise the debt ceiling in the coming months.

“This is a moment in time,” DeLauro said. “You are really looking at five women who have control of the most powerful levers of government.”

Still, she said, “none of us have our head in the sand. We know there are difficulti­es that are going to be involved.”

Granger is in the trickiest position as she tries to balance the demands of the House GOP conference with her responsibi­lity to keep the government running. One important task ahead, she said, is explaining what appropriat­ors do to the public.

While the committees are rarely in the spotlight, they are the beating heart of Congress, writing “mustpass” bills that keep the government running. Decisions about funding levels for almost everything the government pays for, from the military to health care to food safety to federal highways, pass through the hands of appropriat­ors.

Asked about the challenge ahead, Granger says “deadlines are very important” when communicat­ing to the Republican conference. She said there will come a time when she will have to tell GOP colleagues, “This is when it has to be final.”

Another key to the negotiatio­ns will be Young, who is the former Democratic staff director for the House appropriat­ions panel and has maintained a close relationsh­ip with all four women since becoming the Cabinet-level OMB director for President Joe Biden. DeLauro and Granger threw her a baby shower before she gave birth to her daughter in 2021, she said, and “you cannot replace those relationsh­ips.”

Young’s relationsh­ips were helpful at the end of last year as lawmakers labored to pass a massive $1.7 trillion spending bill that funded federal agencies through September and provided another significan­t round of military and economic aid to Ukraine. Signaling potential troubles ahead, though, Granger did not sign off on the final bill as GOP leadership balked.

 ?? MANUEL BALCE CENETA - THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? At the Capitol on Thursday are, from left, Shalanda Young, the first Black woman to lead the Office of Management and Budget; Senate Appropriat­ions Committee ranking member Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine; Senate Appropriat­ions Committee chair Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash.; House Appropriat­ions Committee ranking member Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn.; and House Appropriat­ions chair Rep. Kay Granger, R-Texas.
MANUEL BALCE CENETA - THE ASSOCIATED PRESS At the Capitol on Thursday are, from left, Shalanda Young, the first Black woman to lead the Office of Management and Budget; Senate Appropriat­ions Committee ranking member Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine; Senate Appropriat­ions Committee chair Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash.; House Appropriat­ions Committee ranking member Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn.; and House Appropriat­ions chair Rep. Kay Granger, R-Texas.

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