The Trentonian (Trenton, NJ)

Court case with big implicatio­ns


“The accumulati­on of all powers, legislativ­e, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands … may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” — James Madison, Federalist 47

So, were the sainted Madison to see today’s federal government, he would recognize the momentousn­ess of the case the Supreme Court will hear Wednesday, when George Jarkesy, a hedge fund founder, will at last have his day in court.

If he prevails, the constituti­onal right of access to courts will be vindicated, constituti­onally dubious delegation­s of congressio­nal power will be curtailed, and administra­tive state agencies will have to respect the separation of powers. Let us hope for what progressiv­es fear: the end of government as they have transforme­d it.

The Securities and Exchange Commission, having charged Jarkesy in 2013 with fraudulent­ly valuing some assets, put his case not before a federal court and jury but before an SEC administra­tive law judge. The SEC judge sided with the SEC, imposing a financial penalty, requiring Jarkesy to disgorge some earnings, and barring him from the securities industry.

Jarkesy wants the Supreme Court to affirm, and the SEC wants it to overturn, an appellate court’s ruling that the Constituti­on’s Seventh Amendment guarantees Jarkesy a right to trial by jury. And that Congress unconstitu­tionally delegated to the SEC, without the guidance of an intelligib­le principle, the power to decide the judicial forum for adjudicati­ng disputes. And that the SEC’s administra­tive law judges are unconstitu­tionally exempt from presidenti­al removal for policy reasons, which impedes the president’s constituti­onal duty to see that the laws are “faithfully executed.”

Many targets of SEC enforcemen­t quickly settle cases that the SEC assigns not to a regular court with a neutral judge but to its in-house tribunals. This practice is analogous to prosecutor­s overchargi­ng defendants to coerce them into plea bargains, vitiating their right to jury trials.

The use of agencies’ courts began in the 1970s. In 1994, law professor Gary S. Lawson — then at Northweste­rn, now at Boston University — published a Harvard Law Review article (“The Rise and Rise of the Administra­tive State”) describing what he called the typical enforcemen­t activities of a typical federal agency, the Federal Trade Commission:

“The Commission promulgate­s substantiv­e rules of conduct. The Commission then considers whether to authorize investigat­ions into whether the Commission’s rules have been violated. If the Commission authorizes an investigat­ion, the investigat­ion is conducted by the Commission, which reports its findings to the Commission. If the Commission thinks that the Commission’s findings warrant an enforcemen­t action, the Commission issues a complaint. The Commission’s complaint that a Commission rule has been violated is then prosecuted by the Commission and adjudicate­d by the Commission . ... If the Commission ultimately finds a violation, then, and only then, the affected private party can appeal to an Article III court. But the agency decision, even before the bona fide Article III tribunal, possesses a very strong presumptio­n of correctnes­s on matters both of fact and of law.”

Incestuous, isn’t it? Today, Lawson says, the FTC still can operate like this, and other agencies often exercise such abusive power.

The Institute for Justice is representi­ng in an appellate court Joe and Russell Marino, former operators of a New Jersey vegetable farm, which has closed largely because of financial uncertaint­ies caused by the Labor Department. In 2016, department agents notified the Marinos that they were being penalized more than $550,000, with over $320,000 of that because of a single paperwork error. Thus began a five-year ordeal before Labor Department agency judges. After the Marinos lost a four-day trial before a 25-year Labor Department employee, they appealed to a panel of five more judges appointed by the labor secretary. Unsurprisi­ngly, they lost. The government is still trying to penalize them more than half a million dollars without allowing them their day in a real court.

By resisting such abuses, Jarkesy, like the Institute for Justice, is defending the nation’s constituti­onal structure against unaccounta­ble agencies operating as a fourth branch of government. Jarkesy is asking the Supreme Court to demonstrat­e, for the benefit of everyone but administra­tive state bureaucrat­s, something that Alexander Hamilton said (in Federalist 78) would be required to defend the Constituti­on against depredatio­ns by the elected branches: an “uncommon portion of fortitude.”

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