The Ukiah Daily Journal


Mendocino College Symphonic Band performs Dec. 12

- By GraceWoelb­ing

The musicality of a symphonic band ranges from an overwhelmi­ng volume of sound to the most delicate kind of instrument­ation found. The Mendocino College Symphonic Band — comprised of brass, woodwind and a multitude of percussion instrument­s — will accordingl­y serenade and excite audiences on Thursday, Dec. 12 beginning at 7:30 p.m. at the Center Theatre.

As a community band, the members in the ensemble are a mixture of local, seasoned musicians who have participat­ed in the band for years as well as talented, college-aged students who are intent on honing their skills and gaining experience.

Having the opportunit­y to work with and produce classic instrument­al sounds with such a diverse groupofmus­icianswas part of the reason symphonic band conductor Phillip Lenberg came to Mendocino County at the beginning of 2018.

Beforehand, his own musical journey principall­y began following a high education at the

University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Once attaining a PhD in Music, he gained significan­t experience as an apprentice director for the Las Vegas Philharmon­ic as well as conductor of several ensembles. Lenberg’s successful profession­al career eventually led him to consider instructin­g other musicians and ultimately brought him to interview and audition for a position at Mendocino College.

“I really liked the feeling of the college. I love that they’re interested in involving people in the communityw­ho are traditiona­lly underrepre­sented. Expanding diversity and inclusion through the arts is important tome as a teacher,” says Lenberg, current professor of music at the college.

The weekly meetings of his symphonic band class come to

 ?? PHOTOS BY CHRIS PUGH— UKIAH DAILY JOURNAL ?? The Mendocino College Symphonic Band — comprised of brass, woodwind and a multitude of percussion instrument­s — is led by conductor Phillip Lenberg, who came to Mendocino County at the beginning of 2018.
PHOTOS BY CHRIS PUGH— UKIAH DAILY JOURNAL The Mendocino College Symphonic Band — comprised of brass, woodwind and a multitude of percussion instrument­s — is led by conductor Phillip Lenberg, who came to Mendocino County at the beginning of 2018.
 ??  ?? The weekly meetings of Lenberg’s symphonic band class come to a culminatio­n at the end of every semester with the presentati­on of a free concert to the public.
The weekly meetings of Lenberg’s symphonic band class come to a culminatio­n at the end of every semester with the presentati­on of a free concert to the public.

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