The Ukiah Daily Journal

Father’s online behavior is embarrassm­ent for family

- Amy Dickinson You can contact Amy Dickinson via email: askamy@amydickins­ and follow her on Twitter @askingamy.

DEAR AMY » My father is a stubborn man. He has a lot of energy and many strong opinions. We do not have a close relationsh­ip. He has recently retired, and now spends much of his time on social media, posting long-winded political rants, and engaging in emotional arguments with anyone who dares to comment on his posts.

These “conversati­ons,” unsurprisi­ngly, often devolve into namecallin­g and petty insults.

I am disgusted by this highly public airing of false informatio­n and closed-minded views. It was getting to the point that merely opening the social media app was giving me anxiety, with the anticipati­on of a new bigoted diatribe from my father.

I deactivate­d my account, and I’ve never felt better!

My immediate family continues to feel mortified by his behavior and this has led to some awkward family gatherings. I recently looked at my father’s social media account on my husband’s phone, which I immediatel­y regretted, as his behavior seems to have gotten even worse. I’m afraid to discuss this directly with him, due to his short temper and the high likelihood that he will share our conversati­on on social media.

Is there a way to make it clear to my extended family that his closedmind­ed beliefs do not align with my own, without descending into the drama myself? How can I bring myself to spend time with a person who causes me so much embarrassm­ent?

— Embarrasse­d DEAR EMBARRASSE­D » I applaud you for deactivati­ng your social media account in order to avoid being triggered by your father’s (and others’) abusive online behavior.

You could have “unfollowed” or blocked him and perhaps experience­d the same relief, but — I endorse stepping away altogether for your mental and emotional health.

Now that you are removed from your father’s postings, you are going to have to learn to trust other people. Your family members know him — and they also know you. You should trust that they understand and can differenti­ate between the two of you.

I don’t think it is useful to issue blanket or public apologies for someone else’s behavior. Your father embarrasse­s himself, but you should not give him the important role — and the power — to embarrass you.

Your father sounds like a bully. You should not trust him to keep anything private. All the same, you might feel better if you stood up to him: “Dad, I wish you would find a different hobby. Your online ranting is quite disturbing.”

It would be wise for him to get a mental health screening. Being a bigoted bully does not necessaril­y indicate mental decline, but because your father’s behavior seems to be getting worse, there is reason to wonder.

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