The Ukiah Daily Journal

Mendocino County’s opinions on the issues


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California­ns have shown with great clarity during the coronaviru­s pandemic that if they're convinced something needs to be done, they'll cheerfully do it even when it's uncomforta­ble and terribly expensive.

So when Gov. Gavin Newsom in a midMarch first-in-the-nation move ordered most of this huge state's citizenry to stay home in a quasi- quarantine condition in hopes of limiting the spread of the virus, they complied, with few exceptions.

But now, with far less ambient panic in California's air, there are cracks in that united front. Demonstrat­ors in places as diverse as San Diego, Newport Beach and Sacramento have turned out in respectabl­e numbers demanding an end to the lockdown. It's true, some of those demonstrat­ions are orchestrat­ed by ultra- conservati­ve national organizati­ons.

Many protesters ardently back President Trump, who calls for a gradual “opening up” of America. They demand restoratio­n of all rights to freedom of movement and associatio­n, never mind social distancing. Some of the demonstrat­ors had been seen on the state Capitol steps before, protesting last year's new laws making it a bit tougher to get children exempted from vaccinatio­n requiremen­ts.

The month of March saw nothing like that after Newsom issued his first order. This was partly because the governor was open about estimates of the potential extent of viral spread, contagion and fatalities.

But Newsom, who gets high poll marks for most of his conduct this spring, now must contend with two things he helped create: One is the fact staying home meant California has seen far less contagion and death than predicted. This lessens the panic that first gave him free rein.

The other is that as the crisis persisted and one emergency executive order followed another, often in fields only peripheral­ly related to the virus, Newsom gradually lost the aura of transparen­cy that created the early unity.

Usually, when important new laws are passed in California, they follow a series of public hearings and much discussion. Not so with Newsom's sudden edicts on everything from blocking evictions for non-payment of rent to freeing felons from jails and prisons early to prevent their becoming infected when those same felons didn't previously worry about protecting anyone else. There were also orders to rent or buy hotels for housing thousands of the homeless and other decrees authorizin­g suspension by the courts of virtually all bail requiremen­ts for the duration.

Most of these moves lacked the detailed explanatio­n that went into the original stayhome order.

Newsom has also been closed about how he's spent much of the 7 billion state tax dollars consumed so far in the crisis, especially about his contract to buy almost $1 billion worth of personal protective equipment, including millions of face masks, from a Chinese company previously blackliste­d by some federal transit agencies. It turns out no one knows when this stuff will show up, or many conditions of the huge deal. But we do know the state was gouged.

It's all been justified — with a warranted shot at President Trump — by the fact that the federal government has not unified national purchases or production of masks, face shields, gowns and rubber gloves, thus creating ferocious competitio­n between states and hospital systems for vital equipment. That encouraged price gouging that's illegal in most crises.

There's also the question of where Newsom and other governors get the authority to issue myriad fiats and decrees without so much as the right for anyone to petition the government for redress. The Constituti­on gives governors, presidents and mayors vast leeway to protect public health and safety in emergencie­s, as when then- Gov. Pete Wilson paid contractor­s large bonuses for completing bridge rebuilds ahead of schedule after the 1994 Northridge earthquake.

But all previous emergencie­s were finite, with known needed corrective measures (as with evacuation­s in the face of wildfires) or definite time frames.

There are no time lines here, Newsom and other governors telling their constituen­ts they can't know how long current orders will be enforced because as yet there is no vaccine for the coronaviru­s.

The bottom line: While the governor was open about what he did, he enjoyed near-unanimous support. He needs to get back on the transparen­cy track, or California will see more and more cracks in its harmony.

 ?? Thomas Elias ??
Thomas Elias

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