The Ukiah Daily Journal

Catastroph­es illustrate the stakes in the coming election

- Eugene Robinson

The sky over the San Francisco Bay area glowed red-orange last week, as though the region had been transplant­ed to Mars. People along much of the West Coast sheltered indoors because the air was filled with smoke from unpreceden­ted, hellish wildfires that so far have claimed dozens of lives. More than 10 percent of all Oregon residents were told to evacuate their homes, and the state’s chief emergency management planner warned of a possible “mass fatality incident.”

Fire wasn’t the only element turning against us. For only the second time on record, five tropical cyclones are swirling in the Atlantic Ocean at the same time — including Hurricane Sally, which is gathering strength in the Gulf of Mexico and aiming at vulnerable New Orleans and Mississipp­i.

These catastroph­es horribly illustrate the stakes in the coming election: at risk is the future of our beautiful, fragile planet. The choice facing voters who care about that future could not be more stark. Democratic nominee Joe Biden accepts the scientific consensus about climate change and wants the United States to lead the world in a transition to clean energy. President Donald Trump has called climate change a “hoax” and encouraged greater production and burning of “beautiful, clean coal.”

All of these “natural” disasters were foreseen decades ago by scientists who warned of the unnatural consequenc­es of releasing massive quantities of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. They told us the West would become warmer, drier and more susceptibl­e to fire. They told us that tropical storms would become less predictabl­e and more frequent, and that rising sea levels would put coastal cities at greater risk. And they told us that if we don’t take coordinate­d global action to limit carbon emissions, these lifethreat­ening impacts will get much, much worse.

Despite this reality, one of Trump’s most consequent­ial acts as president was to withdraw from the landmark Paris agreement committing all the nations of the world to limit global warming to a manageable level. It was a horrendous decision, given how little time we have to act, and how much damage we have to contend with.

Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, humans have boosted the concentrat­ion of heat-trapping carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by an incredible 47 percent. Even if countries around the world rapidly reduced their emissions, we would still have to deal with the consequenc­es of the carbon we have already spewed — and the warming that is already taking place.

Heavily populated areas along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts need to be fortified against storm surges at levels once thought unimaginab­le. Some cities — such as Phoenix, which just recorded its hottest summer ever — will have to prepare to cope with deadly heat; other areas will have to deal with much more rain than they’re used to having, or perhaps much less. California, Oregon and Washington may have to rethink their approaches to forest management.

One of the most tragic impacts of the Trump presidency has been to undermine trust in science, and thus in the best tools we have to fight the warming of our world; witness the thousands of people who attended his indoor campaign rally in Nevada on Sunday without wearing masks. Trump has given his supporters permission

sion to believe wild, paranoid, completely untrue rumors about the West Coast fires — including that some of the Oregon blazes were deliberate­ly started by members of antifa. Inventing scapegoats is always much easier than accepting responsibi­lity.

Trump made a quick stop in California on Monday and Wade Crowfoot, the state’s secretary for natural resources, told him about the record-high temperatur­es the state has seen this year. “It’ll start getting cooler, you just watch,” Trump said. When Crowfoot said he wished the science agreed with Trump’s prediction, the president said with a smirk, “OK, well, I don’t think science knows, actually.” Trump also has a dangerous tendency to forfeit American leadership. China is now by far the biggest emitter of carbon dioxide, with the United States an increasing­ly distant second. Pulling the United States out of efforts to fight climate change eliminates another point of distinctio­n between it and one of its chief geopolitic­al rivals — and denies the world a champion for the idea that you can have an economy that is both vibrant and clean.

America, and the world, desperatel­y need a president of the United States who fully acknowledg­es the crisis and chooses to address it. A vote for Trump is a vote for ignorance and environmen­tal ruin. A vote for Biden, who has pledged to rejoin the Paris agreement immediatel­y if he is elected, is a vote for Planet Earth.

I understand it is difficult to focus on a slowmoving crisis such as climate change with so many immediate crises — the COVID-19 pandemic, the economic meltdown, the protests over systemic racism — dominating the headlines and buffeting our lives. But the urgent cannot be allowed to obscure the existentia­l. Our sky is not supposed to look Martian. Hurricanes and tropical storms are supposed to come one or two at a time, not in platoons. Climate change is not some future threat. It is here right now — and steadily getting worse.

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