The Ukiah Daily Journal

Choose an education model that works for you

- By Michelle Hutchins

With the start of school, many parents are dealing with yet another pandemic-related stress: how to keep kids safe, healthy and productive via remote learning. As parents try to balance personal and profession­al responsibi­lities, it’s easy to understand how tempers can flare and frustratio­ns can make us do and say things we usually wouldn’t.

As someone who leads a large government­al organizati­on, this feels like an important time to remind everyone that bureaucrac­ies are made up of human beings who, like you, are also under a lot of stress and doing their absolute best under difficult circumstan­ces. Many of them are simply doing what is required by law.

I always recommend being polite and understand­ing, but in these difficult times, I think it is particular­ly important for people to consider who made the decision causing them angst and who has the power to change things. Typically, it isn’t the school secretary or the office receptioni­st on the receiving end of the tirade.

In normal times, school districts have a lot of independen­ce to make decisions. As long as they comply with state education code, they and their school boards can define local educationa­l priorities via strategic planning, budgeting, and policy. In accordance with labor unions, they can determine work schedules and conditions. Districts also coordinate transporta­tion and food service, student interventi­on programs, and capital projects, and they determine when and how to open or close schools.

In a health crisis, things change. School district decisions must consider new state- and county-level statutes to address people’s health and safety. During this pandemic, school districts have been asked to comply with numerous new requiremen­ts that can be complex, difficult to implement, and sometimes underfunde­d.

Distance learning

For example, as schools shift their platforms from in-class to online to provide a safe yet robust learning experience, the state has enacted requiremen­ts that sometimes work better in bigger metropolit­an areas. For example, in parts of our rural county, we cannot depend on high-speed access to the internet.

Regardless of where schools are in California, teachers must take daily attendance via a verbal check-in, and ideally provide live, sustained instructio­n that includes interactio­n with peers. This is done through a predetermi­ned class schedule where the curriculum is developed and presented by the teacher. So, if your student has internet connectivi­ty problems, please work with your school to see what services and supports can be offered. If students cannot adhere to the schedules determined by their schools, there may be other options.

Independen­t study

Some schools offer independen­t study. In this model, the certificat­ed teacher, parents, and student collaborat­e on the lesson plans and then the parents are responsibl­e for helping students complete the self-paced lessons in whatever location and schedule is agreed upon with the teacher. During COVID-19 restrictio­ns, the school must take daily attendance via a verbal check-in, even for independen­t study students, but apart from that, things are more flexible. Independen­t study may not be available in every district, so check with yours if this sounds like a good model for you.

Private schooling

Private schools can offer educationa­l options with some flexibilit­y not afforded to public schools because they are not bound by the same statutes. For schools serving K-12, both public and private school curriculum must prepare students for college and career entrance requiremen­ts, but private schools do not have to use state-approved curriculum or follow stateappro­ved scope and sequence of courses. Although educationa­l standards may differ, private schools are following all public health statutes.


If you want to determine your student’s curriculum without input from a certificat­ed teacher, you might consider homeschool­ing. This requires you to determine everything about your child’s educationa­l journey — the lessons, the instructio­nal materials, the subject matter. It’s all up to you. Many people who toyed with the idea of homeschool­ing before the pandemic have since decided against it. Serving as curriculum designer, teacher and parent all at once is time consuming and can be challengin­g, but it can be done. Another thing to consider is that homeschool­ing may not allow your student to reintegrat­e into public school easily, should they choose to do so, because of a lack of alignment with public school curriculum. Whereas, independen­t study aligns with public school curriculum and still provides flexibilit­y that some distance learning options do not.

If you choose this route, it is important to submit an affidavit with the state certifying your homeschool. This will allow your student to attend college someday, should they choose to.

Whichever option you choose, please remember that we’re all in this together. Those of us in education want to provide your students with the best possible experience. Please reach out to teachers by asking questions rather than assuming the worst. As educators, we are used to managing challengin­g situations, but the COVID-19 pandemic has stretched many of us further than we could have imagined.

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Michelle Hutchins

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