The Ukiah Daily Journal

Old Time Notes from The Beacon

- By Debbie L. Holmer

130 Years Ago Sept. 27, 1890

• Born — At Fort Bragg, Sept. 17, to the wife of Clements Buchultz, a son. At Hermitage, Sept. 8, to John Cooper and wife, a daughter. In Ukiah Valley, Sept. 17, to Mr. and Mrs. William Hildreth, a daughter. Near Yorkville, Sept. 14, to the wife of Chas. Ledford, a daughter. At Fort Bragg, Sept. 17, to the wife of Calvin Stewart, a son.

• The Oregon Coal & Navigation steamer Ajax, on her way to San Francisco, struck a rock at Blunt’s Reef, ten miles south of Shelter Cove, on Thursday morning of last week and is a total wreck. The sea was calm at the time, but the fog was so thick that the lookout could not see one-third the length of the vessel. The passengers and crew took to the boats and had no trouble in landing at Shelter Cove. Some of them passed through here on Saturday, on their way to the city. The vessel and cargo were valued at $125,000 and was insured for $75,000.

• Fires in the mountains back of Point Arena have destroyed considerab­le tanbark belonging to settlers. Several bridges were also destroyed.

105 Years Ago Sept. 25, 1915

• The members of the crew of the ill-fated submarine F- 4, who were recently taken from the vessel at Honolulu and brought to San Francisco are to be buried in the national cemetery at Arlington, Virginia. Only four bodies could be identified.

• Mervyn Carlson, son of Ed Carlson, wellknown at this place, recently passed the bar examinatio­n at Sacramento, ranking second in a class of 42.

• Howard Brown and his wife are at Point Arena for several weeks’ stay. Mr. Brown is engaged in making a number of improvemen­ts in the electric light system at that place.

• Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Chalmers left on the steamer Sea Foam last Saturday for San Francisco, where they will visit the Exposition. They will go to San Diego and take in the fair there before returning.

• George Lewis, the energetic manager of the Westport Canning Company, was here Wednesday. He is visiting the different towns of the county, selling the products of his plant.

• A daughter was born to Dr. and Mrs. F. Campbell of Fort Bragg on Wednesday.

75 Years Ago Sept. 22, 1945

• The Albion school opened Tuesday with the enrollment of 16 children. Mrs. Wilma Shandel is the teacher.

• The old houses at Albion are being torn down. The first building to be almost down was the old hospital. It has only the floor left. Quite a few people from out of town have bought buildings and are tearing them down.

• Pfc. Louis Veirra is home for a short furlough, and with Lorne Macdonald is enjoying a hunting trip in the wilds of Modoc County.

• MOMM2/C Oakley Iversen arrived Wednesday morning at Government Island, Alameda. The aircraft carrier he came in on carried 3,710 discharged sailors. Oakley has been out over two years on an invasion transport, serving as motor machinist mate on the USS Middleton and the USS Cavalier. He saw action in the Aleutians, Tarawa and in the Gilbert Islands, Kwajalein, Leyte, Luzon and Lingayen Gulf.

• Since school has started there has been one student body meeting. The student body officers are: president, Gene Lawry; vice pres. Dolores Stenback; sec., Darlene Hood; treas., Lila Mendosa; soc. mgr., Merna Fry, publicity mgr., Don Gibbons; parliament­arian, Flora Atkinson; yell leader, Ann Fraga; asst., Ruth Reese.

55 Years Ago Sept. 24, 1965

• Movie actors, cameras, trucks, buses and all moved into Mendocino Saturday to begin filming the sequences here of “The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming.” The Al Mead home (the former Chet Bishop home), which in the movie is the home of Deputy Sheriff Norman Jonas (Jonathan Winters) had both interior and exterior shots filmed. Mr. Winters clowned between shots and practiced to keep all assembled in a state of laughter. He is a very funny man.

• It was interestin­g to watch the filming of the picture at Mendocino; trees were set up looking for all the world as though they had been growing there for decades near the Presbyteri­an Church. “In the movies” are local children Karla Godsey, Dana Hall, Susie Mueschke and Johnny Zunino as four of the nine children of Jonathan Winters and Marjorie Gregory. Local celebritie­s.

• The Philo Lumber Company at the north edge of Philo on Highway 128 burned to the ground Thursday night. The entire operation was destroyed. The loss was described by the owner Lew Wright as ten years of blood, sweat and tears. This mill will be remembered by old-timers as the former Perkins-salsig mill.

• The centennial of Littlerive­r Post Office, 18651965, will be a major celebratio­n on November 29, sponsored by the Littlerive­r Improvemen­t Club.

The Littlerive­r Improvemen­t Club Hall years ago was the church and a community building, used for everything, weddings, funerals, lodge meetings, etc.

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