The Ukiah Daily Journal

Mom’s martyrdom creates a man-boy monster


DEAR AMY >> My live-in boyfriend of four years is selfish, defiant, impatient and impossible to talk to.

He instantly puts up his guard, starts yelling and deflecting! I always end up giving up before he rages and confuses me by turning every conversati­on around.

I love him so much. I know he loves me too. But sometimes, I need him to grow up.

I have a 15-year- old son. I had my son when I was 22. I was forced to grow up fast. My boyfriend has never lived with a girlfriend before and doesn’t have children.

But I’m a mother and a nurturer. I love taking care of “my Boys,” but it is never, ever reciprocat­ed. He can’t do anything for himself. I am expected to do everything! He works from home, and usually starts drinking at around noon. He averages around 15 beers a day.

I have been sober for one year. Talking to him in the evening is out of the question. He is a complete jerk when he has been drinking.

How do I talk to him about his selfishnes­s? My good feelings toward him are starting to change.

I have pulled away and stopped “spoiling” him like I used too.

Please, how do we fix this? How do I tell him, “You’re self-absorbed and impatient. You never think of anyone but yourself. You don’t do anything for anyone.”

— Feeling Different

DEAR DIFFERENT >> Talk is cheap, and impossible if the person you are trying to reason with is drunk and belligeren­t.

What you see as your own nurturing behavior, I see as enabling.

There is a distinctio­n between “taking care of my boys” and actually promoting your alcoholic partner’s selfish behavior. You are doing the latter.

You have helped to create a monster and now you want the monster to stop being a monster, even though he is simply behaving according to what he has been taught.

I think it might clarify your next move if you examined, recognized, and held yourself accountabl­e for your role in this household dynamic.

Kids look to the members of their own household for models of how to be. What man does your son have as a role model? That drunken guy on the couch.

If things don’t change radically, your teenage son might be on his way to becoming the same type of hard-drinking man-boy that your partner is.

Most importantl­y, perhaps, is the effect that this chaos could have on your own sobriety.

You need to nurture yourself. This can be challengin­g if you mainly view your worth through your martyrdom to others.

Attend sobriety-support meetings. Seek perspectiv­e from your own circle of loved ones, and listen carefully to what they tell you.

Understand that you will not change your partner, but you can definitely change yourself.

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