The Ukiah Daily Journal

Democrats aren’t fraidy cats anymore


Here’s the thing about President Joe Biden and his party in 2021: They’re no longer scared.

They’re not defensive, or constantly looking over their shoulders, or making preemptive concession­s to Republican­s.

They have learned an essential lesson. Voters always say they like bipartisan­ship, because most Americans prefer people to be nice to each other and work together. But what they care more about is solving problems and getting things done. If the party in charge fails in that essential duty, endless bend-over-backwards negotiatio­ns and a big, inclusive “process” won’t save them.

Which explains one of Biden’s most curious lines during his effective and empathetic performanc­e during a CNN town hall event in Milwaukee on Tuesday:

“The nation is not divided.” You can imagine the words “FACT CHECK: FALSE” flashing across the nation’s computer and video screens. We need only recall last week’s impeachmen­t debate as testimony to our divisions.

But Biden was making a different point. Beneath our partisan rancor, there is, in fact, broad agreement on how we should move forward. He had in mind especially his $1.9 trillion covid-19 relief package.

A Quinnipiac Poll conducted from Jan. 28 to Feb. 1, for example, found 68 percent of Americans supporting it, only 24 percent opposing it. That’s pretty united. Those $1,400 checks? The survey found 78 percent for (including 64 percent of Republican­s), only 18% against. On hiking the minimum wage to $15, it was 61 percent for, 36 percent against.

A study that will be released on Thursday by Bright Line Watch, a group of political scientists monitoring our nation’s democratic practices, underscore­d this. It found “cross-party consensus on government spending for COVID relief but stark polarizati­on over certificat­ion of the presidenti­al election and impeachmen­t.” Sure, Republican politician­s will probably swing some of their supporters away from Biden’s economic plan, larger than the one tested by Bright Line Watch, by attacking it as a deficit-growing, inflation-threatenin­g monstrosit­y — although the GOP’S record of bloating the deficit with tax cuts for the rich leaves the party’s credibilit­y lower than this week’s temperatur­es.

But Biden and the Democrats are operating with confidence because they have finally embraced what has long been true: Progressiv­e economic policies are broadly popular. Many of them (notably those checks) are supported by the GOP’S large working-class wing.

Let’s also recognize that when Republican congressio­nal leaders claim to want bipartisan­ship, they are not operating in good faith. That’s a strong statement, but it’s rooted in reality, not partisansh­ip. Republican­s want nothing like what Biden wants. “Now is the time we should be spending,” the president said in Milwaukee. “Now is the time to go big.” The biggest counter so far, from a minority of Republican­s, is only a third the size of Biden’s.

The GOP’S call for compromise is thus a posture, not an offer. And given how divided Republican­s are over the previous White House occupant (like Biden, I am sick of mentioning his name), their only hope of finding unity is to rally against Biden and all his works.

We have this on good authority. Senate Minority Leader Mitch Mcconnell, R-KY., told the Wall Street Journal on Monday that Republican­s see Biden’s package as too big and look forward to fighting it. “That will help unify our party,” Mcconnell said. “I don’t think many Republican­s are going to be for very many of the things that are coming out of this administra­tion.”

Is Biden supposed to pretend that Mcconnell didn’t say this?

The new president has the right idea: Keep talking as warmly and amiably to Republican­s as possible.

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