The Ukiah Daily Journal

Coming soon, flying carpets

- By Tommy Wayne Kramer TCA KRAMER»PAGE13

Today we explore the shabby, semi-shady spending schemes of our elected representa­tives who, failing repeatedly and learning nothing, plunge ahead with billion dollar projects you and I know are idiotic.

(One of) Jerry Brown’s follies was a superfast train to be launched way far east of Ukiah and terminatin­g in a city no one ever heard of somewhere out in a desert, dead on inspiratio­n. It never launched, it never landed and it never made sense.

Jerry’s Bullet Train took a self-administer­ed high caliber round through the temple and collapsed in an expensive bloody heap, but not before spending hundreds of millions of dollars and leaving behind not one inch of track. Your may remember. Remember also that no politician, including Governor Moonbeam, had the decency to apologize for all our money squandered on nothing.

Next, Smarttrain­s absorbed tax dollars the way thirsty mops absorb red blood, red ink and real money before succumbing to reality, which is that no one rides dinky little rail cars bouncing between Sonoma and Marin Counties just to experience the thrill of finding a taxi cab or boat or bus over to San Francisco, unless the whole point of the excursion is to take the train back to Santa Rosa in time for lunch.

Which is probably the reality for California lawmakers. They don’t have actual jobs with “work” hours or an expectatio­n they produce anything of value. Instead they dream up green energy slogans and alternate transporta­tion fantasies designed to prevent citizens who pay highway taxes from driving on highways.

(Personally I love public transporta­tion, and encourage more people to ride-share, take buses or hitchhike so they’re not in my way when I roll about in my eight wheel drive Dodge Hemi pickup.)

Demanding peasants utilize public transporta­tion is what brought the late, great North Coast Rail Authority (NCRA) to life a decade or two ago as a money-sucking agency full of promises it had no intention keeping. It lied to the public about the train’s rosy future until the last of many millions went spiraling down drains from here to San Rafael.

Once dead (again, no apologies from elected officials about shredded tax dollars) it was instantly reborn as a new and improved pedestrian Rail Trail. This too shall fail, and our legislator­s probably already know it but are waiting to spring the punchline on us the same way Mike Mcguire (D-self) sprang his most recent one about the dead and buried NCRA.

Mcguire, in a UDJ frontpager (originally by Isabella Vanderheid­en of the Eureka Times-standard) said his new million mile sidewalk puts the bad old railroad to a well-deserved death. The new trail, says Mcguire “Officially, once and for all, disbands the NCRA, which is a hot mess and is bankrupt.”

Bravo, Mike. Way to stand up for sound fiscal planning and prudent spending. Your footpath to nowhere will probably cost less than the Hubble Telescope.

What he convenient­ly avoids: Any explanatio­n on who caused this big hot bankrupt mess. The pure disaster of the NCRA rests with the California legislatur­e. Our elected reps dreamed up, gave birth to, then nurtured and spent untold sums on the project; Mcguire acts like the subsequent abortion is our fault, or at least nothing for which he or his colleagues bear responsibi­lity.

Also, please note lack of apology for money spent on nothing.

He and his merry band of lawmakers ignore, and have ignored for decades, that money generated by highway taxes and gasoline taxes are intended to be spent on roads. What Northern California needs today is wider, better, modern highways suitable for travel in the 21st century. Or the 1990s. Or the 1970s.

But what do we have? In all of California, the most populated state in the nation, we have two (2) north-south roads. One is Highway 101, and it includes sections with one lane in each direction.

Our highways are suitable for the 1930s. We commute daily on roads built 100 years ago and hardly improved in 50. Drive in or out of Hopland, north or south, on a narrow single-lane of poorly illuminate­d pavement.

Head north out of Willits and experience an exciting one-lane journey. Fasten your seat belt. Bring your rosary beads. Take the 90 mile trip (one lane each direction) on Highway 20 from Ukiah to Williams, but only with an ambulance following.

Mcguire and his friends don’t drive these stretches. They get hauled around in limousines, popping up here and there for photo ops and a chance to brag about the joy of walking the improbable Rail Trail from Hopland to Laytonvill­e. Wheee.

More Mcguire, solemn-like: “We’ve always known that creating the Great Redwood Trail was not going to be easy, nor will it be quick. There’s going to be a ton of work ahead of us for many years and it’s going to take time to do this project right.”

That “ton of work” will be done by men with picks, shovels, trucks and bulldozers, the kinds of guys Mike Mcguire has never met. Also, he undoubtedl­y mumbled the same empty “do this project right” rhetoric about the Bullet Train and the Smarttrain.

The hiking trail, begun loudly, will spend hugely, die quietly, blame shifted instantly. New bold and unrealisti­c spending plans will be announced.

I vote for Flying Carpet technology. It runs on solar or wind or whatever, and will require massive

investment­s from taxpayers to nurse it along. Mike Mcguire is already preparing a speech.

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