The Ukiah Daily Journal

Things are about to get a lot harder for Biden

- C.J. Bionne Jr.

WASAINWTON » President Joe Biden has had a great start. When he can act by himself, or when the majority can rule in Congress, he can get a lot done. But a crisis is lurking. The Democrats’ thin-as-thin-canbe majority in the Senate combined with the filibuster rule and other arcane procedural restrictio­ns means that everything will get a lot harder very quickly.

Let’s start with the good news. Biden’s $1.9 trillion economic rescue and stimulus package is on its way to enactment. It passed the House and can get through the Senate with 50 Democratic votes, plus Vice President Kamala Harris’ tiebreaker, because the Senate’s “reconcilia­tion” rule essentiall­y allows money bills to pass on a simple majority.

Yes, there are some difference­s among Democrats that are being ironed out — how exactly to structure the $1,400 checks, for example, and whether to move some money from one program to another. But these are part of a normal give-and-take.

And the president had a good day on Tuesday when he announced a White House-brokered deal in which the big pharmaceut­ical company Merck will help manufactur­e Johnson & Johnson’s one-shot vaccine. Biden was thus able to announce that there would be enough vaccines “for every adult in America by the end of May.”

But the limits placed on legislatin­g by what Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-VT., has rightly called the Senate’s “incredibly obtuse and undemocrat­ic rules” have already opened a rift in the party over the minimum wage. And the big showdown will come when the pro-voting rights, pro-democracy political reform bill the House is expected to pass on Wednesday hits the Senate floor.

The House included a minimum-wage increase to $15 by 2025 in its version of Biden’s economic rescue plan. But the Senate parliament­arian ruled that the wage provision didn’t fit under reconcilia­tion rules. Senate Democrats seem likely to knock it out of the bill rather than overrule the parliament­arian.

I’m for $15, since it’s hardly radical to phase it in over four years. And there would be nothing wrong with the usual legislativ­e jockeying over whether the “right” number might be $12 or $14. But what’s absurd is that a core and very popular Biden promise should be held hostage to rules that even a gifted Talmudic scholar would have trouble explaining.

Still, let’s assume the Democrats manage to push a minimum-wage increase through by tacking it on to a defense bill or some other measure Republican­s feel they must vote for. The inescapabl­e confrontat­ion will come over the For the People Act, and, later, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancemen­t Act.

Right before our eyes, Republican­s in states such as Georgia and Arizona are engaging in blatant voter suppressio­n. They’re rolling back mail voting, Sunday voting and other measures that made it easier for everyone to vote in 2020. As former president Donald Trump made clear in his coming-out rant last Sunday, Republican­s think they can’t win if too many people vote — i.e., if democracy functions properly. Oh, yes, and Republican­s also hope to gerrymande­r their way back to a House majority.

Among other things, the For the People Act would end partisan gerrymande­rs. It would also require states to offer at least 15 days of early voting, access to no-excuse and postage-free mail ballots, and drop boxes to make casting a vote easier. In other words: voter expansion, not suppressio­n.

If Democrats who continue to defend the filibuster, notably Sens. Joe Manchin III, W.VA., and Kyrsten Sinema, Ariz., don’t accept lifting it on behalf of political reform, they will be asking their party to commit political suicide in the face of the GOP’S discrimina­tory, antivoter drive. They will be maiming democracy, too.

It will eventually fall to Biden to have a heart-to-heart with Manchin, Sinema and other senators reluctant to part with the old rules. As a Senate warhorse himself, Biden will have special credibilit­y if he says it’s time for change.

A key point is that the filibuster is not even what it used to be. For most of our history, it did not routinely require 60 Senate votes to pass most legislatio­n.

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