The Ukiah Daily Journal

Sexting inspires unkind comparison­s


ikar AMY >> My wife’s best friend recently went through a period where she was unhappy in her marriage.

She began sexting with willing male partners and then sharing some of the pictures she had received with my wife.

I know about this because my wife asked me to fix the Wi-fi on her phone.

While I was working on her phone, her friend texted one of these photos.

Alarmed and a little shocked, I opened the text message string and found myself in a world of hurt.

My wife was not only tacitly giving her friend permission to send these pictures, but she was comparing my physique unfavorabl­y to these men.

When I confronted my wife about this, her first reaction was to change the passcode on her phone.

She has since apologized, but I’m still having trouble.

I can’t seem to shake the feeling that she finds me unattracti­ve when compared to other men, and whenever her friend is around, I feel very embarrasse­d and ashamed knowing that my body was described unfavorabl­y to her in such explicit detail.

What should I do?

— Embarrasse­d


Your wife has embarrasse­d, disrespect­ed, and disappoint­ed you, and you are left wondering what YOU should do about it.

Your wife is the person who needs to behave differentl­y.

When a partner gets caught behaving badly, their instant and universal instinct is often to very quickly attempt to sweep the problem away. A typical reaction is to issue a swift apology, insist that you “move on,” and then refuse or avoid discussing the problem further.

Do not suffer silently. Describe how her behavior makes you feel, using

“I” statements: “I’m embarrasse­d. I’m discourage­d. I feel unloved. I really need to talk about this.”

You deserve an apology. A real one. One where your wife demonstrat­es that she understand­s the impact of her rudeness.

If you cannot successful­ly navigate this with her, you should make an appointmen­t with a couples’ counselor. If she dismisses the need, you should go on your own.

ikar AMY >> On the subject of how to inspire people to RSVP for events in a timely manner, my friends sent an invitation but did not put the location of the event on the invitation. That was sent after the RSVP was received.

Now I try to RSVP the very day I receive an invitation. I usually know right away if I can or don’t want to attend. It takes a load off the mind and helps the one who sent the invitation.

—Learned my Lesson

ikar LKARNKI >> Withholdin­g the location is a clever technique.

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