The Ukiah Daily Journal

There is more at stake now

- — Robert D. Shoptaw, Ukiah

To the Editor:

Despite the rebuttal of my recent article by a misinforme­d Fort Bragg citizen using left wing sources to validate her position (Opinions 8/19/21), there is more at stake for us now.

Her opinions and mine have been obscured by the Biden Afghanista­n debacle. The Afghan problem has caused left wing propaganda media outlets NY Times, CNN and MSNBC to question the competence of this administra­tion.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley aren’t sharing Biden’s belief that U.S. Personnel now in Afghanista­n will be extracted and safely returned home to the United States despite understand­able chaos. General Austin, once the CENTCOM commander, knows better than most, the contingenc­y plans that exist for this exact situation. Ideally, contingenc­y plans activate in time to facilitate phased exodus of Americans and their key support people prior to announceme­nt by POTUS of an exit date. This did not occur.

The UK, France and Germany have taken independen­t action to get their people out of Afghanista­n and safely returned to their homeland.

Out hope must be that the U.S. Marines and members of the 82nd Airborne now responding to this unprecende­nted presidenti­al failure can accomplish a miracle and locate and extract not less than 10,000 American citizens despite the dire circumstan­ces.

Speaker Pelosi states all is going well. Senior Democrats always demand we believe what they say, not what We see!

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