The Ukiah Daily Journal

How to help kids get into golf


Golf is a game of skill that can take years, if not decades, to master. Many golfers find their time on the golf course both rewarding and relaxing, even on those days when the fairways seem impossible to find.

Though many players never swing a golf club until they reach adulthood, it’s never too early to hit the links. Some of the world’s most accomplish­ed golfers, including four-time Masters champion Tiger Woods, began playing as toddlers, and many feel that getting an early start can lead to a more

successful game down the road.

Getting kids into golf is a great way for parents to bond with their children while enjoying the great outdoors. Golf can also be used to teach kids humility, sportsmans­hip and the importance of hard work. Thanks to the often frustratin­g nature of golf, parents may find it somewhat challengin­g to instill a love of the game in their youngsters. But there are ways to introduce kids to this wonderful game that kids might just play for the rest of their lives.

• Focus on having fun. Few, if any, golfers at your local golf course on a given weekend could say with certainty that golf has never frustrated them. The challenge of golf may be its most appealing characteri­stic to older players, but young kids can be easily overwhelme­d by the challenges golf presents. By focusing on having fun instead of perfecting techniques, parents can get kids to look forward to their time on the links. The more fun kids have, the more likely they will be to embrace the game and its many challenges. Don’t put pressure on youngsters as they develop their games, but encourage them through their struggles and reassure them that you faced the same obstacles when you started playing.

• Hire an instructor with experience teaching children. Instructor­s with experience teaching children will understand the basics of the game and how learning those basics provides a great foundation for future enjoyment and success on the course. Instructor­s who have taught kids in the past also know that teaching youngsters the finer points of golf requires patience and encouragem­ent. Ask a fellow parent or an employee at the club where

you play to recommend an instructor for your child. And take advantage of any kids’ courses your club offers.

• Purchase the correct equipment. Even the best golfers are bound to struggle when using the wrong equipment. While it might be unwise to invest in especially expensive equipment for youngsters likely to grow out of it in a few months’ time, deals can be found on used kids’ equipment. Used kids’ equipment is typically subjected to less wear and tear than used equipment for adults, as kids tend to play less often and fewer holes than adults when they do play. But make sure to find correctly sized equipment that kids feel comfortabl­e using.

• Play some holes. Instructor­s may teach kids the difference­s between the types of clubs and how to swing and putt. But golf is most fun when players are out on the links going from hole to hole. Instructio­n is important, but don’t forget to play a few holes with your child each week as well.

Golf is a challengin­g game, but it’s one that can be enjoyed by athletes of all ages.

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