The Ukiah Daily Journal

How to own the future

- Steven Roberts teaches politics and journalism at George Washington University. His new book is “Cokie: A Life Well Lived.” He can be contacted by email at

Both national parties represent broad coalitions of widerangin­g interests, otherwise they couldn't win elections in such a vast and diverse country. These parties are most successful when they unify their factions behind an idea, a cause or a candidate.

Republican­s coalesced around Ronald Reagan so effectivel­y that Democrats won only 62 electoral votes combined in the Gipper's two victories. In 2020, Democrats were bound tightly together by a common fear and loathing of Donald Trump.

Today, both parties are splintered by internal rivalries, but the fault lines dividing each entity are distinctly different. For Republican­s, the conflict is essentiall­y personal, not ideologica­l. The warring camps are defined by one question: Are you for, or against, Trump and his deranged view that the 2020 election was rigged against him?

For Democrats, the opposite is true. The factions are defined by ideology, not personalit­y. The left wing of the party embraces extreme ideas — defunding cops, opening borders, nationaliz­ing health care — and denounces moderates who reject their orthodoxy.

Here's the critical question: Which party will be more effective at restoring unity and appealing to the mainstream voters who still decide elections?

Start with the Republican­s. Their internal strife is best summed up by the battle in Wyoming, where Rep. Liz Cheney is facing a primary challenger backed by Trump and other GOP leaders. A straight-line conservati­ve when it comes to policy, Cheney has committed one unforgivab­le sin: She spoke the truth about Trump's detachment from reality and determinat­ion to undermine the Constituti­on. “I will do everything I can to ensure that the former president never again gets anywhere near the Oval Office,” she vows.

This fault line is fragmentin­g many other state parties, as well. In Wisconsin, for example, a Republican candidate for governor, Timothy Ramthun, insists that the 2020 election can still be overturned. And some party activists are calling for the ouster of Robin Vos, the longtime speaker of the state assembly, because he won't pursue Trump's crazy claims of fraud. “We're going to spend millions of dollars tearing ourselves apart,” Jack Yuds, chair of the Dodge County GOP, told Politico.

In Georgia, Trump has declared war against Gov. Brian Kemp and backed his primary opponent, David Perdue. But Kemp still leads in the latest Trafalgar poll. In Alaska, Trump is trying to purge Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who voted for his impeachmen­t. But as of Jan. 1, Murkowski had $4.2 million on hand, while Trump's choice, Kelly Tshibaka, had banked barely $600,000.

National polls reflect the same fierce factionali­sm. In October of 2020, 54 percent of Republican­s told NBC that they identified more with Trump personally than with the GOP as a party. Today, only 36 percents place loyalty to Trump first. In a Quinnipiac survey, 52 percent of Republican­s agreed with former Vice President Mike Pence that Trump was “wrong” to challenge the results of the 2020 elections, while only 36 percent backed Trump's tirades.

Democrats have their own fragmentin­g fracases. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-cortez traveled to Texas recently to embrace Jessica Cisneros, a left-wing chal

lenger to Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar, and to denounce centrists like Sen. Joe Manchin. In San Francisco, voters ousted three radical school board members “in a battle that underscore­d the limits of left-wing politics even in such a liberal city,” noted the Washington Post.

“As Democrats look fearfully toward the midterm elections, many of the party's candidates, strategist­s and voters are recoiling from some of the left-wing proposals that gained prominence during the Trump administra­tion,” the Post reports. “Many Democrats now see them as too extreme and harmful to Democratic prospects this fall … The result is a growing backlash against more-liberal officehold­ers, challenger­s and plans.”

This backlash comes as two senior party strategist­s, Elaine Kamarck and William Galston, issued a report that argues that liberal Democrats are “in the grip of myths that block progress toward victory”, and are engaged in a “new politics of evasion, the refusal to confront the unyielding arithmetic of electoral success.”

“Too many Democrats have evaded this truth and its implicatio­ns for the party's agenda and strategy,” the authors add. “They have been led astray by three persistent myths: that `people of color' think and act in the same way; that economics always trumps culture; and that a progressiv­e majority is emerging.”

Both parties are being pulled apart by powerful factions that have refused “to confront the unyielding arithmetic of electoral success.”

The party that understand­s that arithmetic, and embraces the sane center, will own the future.

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