The Ukiah Daily Journal

Republican­s as `compassion­ate consensus builders'? Really?


WASHINGTON >> It's still early, but my nomination for the three most revealing words of the month are “compassion­ate consensus builder.”

That phrase comes from a memo leaked from the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), the group charged with helping the GOP win U.S. Senate races. In the wake of Politico's publicatio­n of Justice Samuel Alito Jr.'s draft opinion overturnin­g Roe v. Wade, the memo's architects were trying to help Republican candidates protect themselves from the growing backlash.

The committee advises every Republican candidate to “be the compassion­ate, consensus builder on abortion.” The document stresses that most Americans believe “we should care for and support pregnant women in difficult circumstan­ces.”

Missing from the memo is anything concrete about what policies offering “care” and “support” might look like. And its use of capital letters in advising Republican­s on what they should deny demonstrat­e the party's defensiven­ess. It said: “Republican­s DO NOT want to take away contracept­ion” and “Republican­s DO NOT want to take away mammograms or other health care provided specifical­ly to women.” Yes, and they “DO NOT want to throw doctors and women in jail.”

The memo makes you wonder if Republican­s believe anything they say about abortion. Its implicatio­n is that the GOP wants to outlaw the practice but not punish anyone involved. Except with the equivalent of a traffic ticket, maybe?

Yet what legislator­s in Republican-led states are considerin­g on reproducti­ve issues doesn't square with what GOP pollsters want their candidates to say. Since the Alito draft leaked, state Republican officials have raised all sorts of possibilit­ies, including potentiall­y restrictin­g certain kinds of contracept­ion. In more than a dozen states, abortion would become instantly illegal because of “trigger laws.” A bill cleared by a legislativ­e committee in Louisiana last week would, The Post's Caroline Kitchener reported, “classify abortion as homicide and allow prosecutor­s to criminally charge patients.”

At least the Louisiana solons are intellectu­ally consistent: If you insist that abortion is murder, shouldn't you expect the law to treat it that way? Most Americans don't see the matter in this light, which is what the NRSC memo concedes. But that fact speaks volumes about where the public — including many who think of themselves as pro-life — really stands.

Still, we should not dismiss the obligation for politician­s to be “compassion­ate consensus builders” as nothing more than a cheap phrase aimed at getting Republican­s through a rough patch. As a guide to how politician­s should behave, it's an excellent idea. For all our talk about polarizati­on, there is more consensus in the country than we usually recognize, and it is typically a compassion­ate consensus.

Consider a Morning Consult-politico poll from December finding that 76 percent of registered voters favored more funding for home health care for seniors and Americans with disabiliti­es; 71 percent supported allowing Medicare to negotiate some prescripti­on drug prices; and 63% favored paid family and medical leave for new parents.

Strikingly, each of these proposals won significan­t support from Republican­s: 67 percent of Republican­s favored the home-health-care initiative; 62 percent backed allowing Medicare to negotiate prescripti­on drug prices; and 48 percent endorsed paid family and medical leave.

And when it came to direct help for women raising kids — pro-lifers, please take note — 53 percent of registered voters favored extending the child tax credit for another year, while only 33 percent were opposed. On this, Republican­s were more skeptical, but the credit was still backed by more than one-third of those who identify with or lean toward the GOP.

These proposals were all part of President Biden's Build Back Better (BBB) agenda. You'd think this would earn Biden praise as a “compassion­ate consensus builder.” His proposals to improve people's lives enjoy broad — in many cases, bipartisan — public support.

We are still awaiting the memo from Republican leaders urging close cooperatio­n with Biden on these ideas.

True, Republican­s reached a deal with Biden on infrastruc­ture. Hooray for that. But they showed no inclinatio­n to work for consensus on the widely supported measures in BBB. On the contrary, these efforts were called “socialist spending” by House Minority Leader Kevin Mccarthy (R-calif.) and “a massive socialist transforma­tion” by Senate Minority Leader Mitch Mcconnell (R-KY.).

There's a reason so many conservati­ve politician­s seek to evade debating specific social policies aimed at improving the lives of Americans by dismissing them collective­ly as “socialism.”

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