The Ukiah Daily Journal

Mom's script is now being flipped

- Contact Amy Dickinson via email, askamy@ amydickins­

DEAR AMY >> Our entire childhood, my mom consistent­ly used my own achievemen­ts to push my brother to be better.

I was two years younger, a year ahead in school, bolder and more fearless than him in every way.

Mom made it a competitio­n between us to help him overcome his fears. She fueled it until she died.

My brother and I are now in our late 40s.

We are both successful, but have made very different choices.

I turned down lucrative opportunit­ies to prioritize my children over work.

He and his wife did the opposite. They both placed their career first and neglected their child. I ended up taking care of my nephew a lot over the years to make up for it.

These days, my brother takes every opportunit­y to blast his success to me.

He tells me how much money he makes, how much his wife makes, how much money they have in the bank, etc.

I am trying to be a better person and ignore it, but it is exhausting.

He never asks about my life and what I care about.

I wouldn't trade my life and the strong bond I have with my kids and their son over all the money he has, but how can I change the dynamic?

I know he only brags to me and not to our other brother.

At this point, I am considerin­g cutting him off completely.

Am I overreacti­ng? Why does it bother me so much?

— Annoyed Little Sister

DEAR ANNOYED >> Imagine how it would feel to be told that you are never “enough.” This is the script that your mother wrote for your brother.

He is trying to flip that script, and establish that he has finally won your lifelong competitio­n. I suggest that you — the bold and secure one — be brave enough to let him off the hook.

Basically, I'm suggesting that you try to take the air out of this through gently surrenderi­ng.

You could start with: “You talk about your wealth a lot when you're with me. Why is that?”

You could try telling him, “I know that Mom always set us up in a competitio­n. I can only imagine what it was like for you. But I think she would be really proud of your success. I hope that you don't feel like you have anything left to prove.”

Only do this if you genuinely want to try to change the dynamic.

DEAR AMY >> I recognized myself in the letter from “Nice Guys Finish Last,” who is a softy as a landlord.

After 25 years as a landlord, I finally hired a property manager, and it was the best thing I ever did. It was worth the money not to have to deal with the problems that arose. And they were the “bad guys!” — Former Softy

DEAR SOFTY >> It helps to remember that this is essentiall­y a business relationsh­ip — on both sides.

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