The Ukiah Daily Journal

Giving thanks in hard times


I need to come clean. As of this missive, I've penned (or more accurately, “typed”) 627 weekly columns, every one stored on my hopefully trusty hard drive. If you do the math and divide 627 by 52, you'll come up with 12 years and three weeks' worth of columns. However, I actually started writing them in May 2004, 18 ½ years ago. Why the discrepanc­y? Well, here's where the confession comes in. Once in a while (due to travel or other obligation­s), I will either “recycle” a column or I will use it as a template for another, updating it to reflect the change in times since its original publicatio­n. As much as I'd like to think you have memorized every word I've ever published and, upon seeing a recycled column, exclaim, “Honey! Did you see this? Scott ran this column on Nov. 24, 2008. Wow, he's getting lazy!” I know you don't.

What you're reading now (um, short of the intro I just wrote) actually was first published on Nov. 24, 2008, just shy of 14 years ago. I was astounded by how little the world has changed. Yes, I have made some minor alteration­s, but trust me, this column is 90% “same old, same old.” I don't know if that's comforting or frightenin­g, yet it “is.”

Now that I've exposed myself, read on…

Consider this column a holiday public service. Consider it an aide memoir of what really matters. Consider it anything you wish. However, I wanted to take these moments, particular­ly at this time of year, to remind us — me — of some reasons to offer up thanks. After all, despite what sometimes passes as common belief, Thanksgivi­ng is not a caloric competitio­n.

With unfinished wars, a frightenin­g escalation of global warming, a fight over affordable health care, rampant mass shootings, a stagnant standard of living, painfully ugly political discourse (should we even choose to call it that), and a general sense of foreboding saturating it all, it is the ultimate understate­ment to put forth that 2022 has been a particular­ly thorny year.

In times such as we find ourselves, it is vital to recall the words of Francois de La Rochefouca­uld, “Gratitude is merely the secret hope of further favors.” The future will be better, be assured. Yet, while we are still chopping through the rough seas of today, some reminders might be in order.

Over the next several weeks, many of us will be surrounded by family and friends, people who support and guide us. When we are off course, they redirect us. When we are on track, they congratula­te us. When illness ravages our body and beats our spirit, they, like angels, sit by our side and heal us. When we are overwhelme­d, they hold us near. When infused with joy, they join us in song. What a blessing, in the midst of seas of swirling, chaotic, pandemoniu­m, to find islands of protection where we can have a rest and reclaim our souls. To say to them, “Thank you,” is woefully, pitifully, inadequate. Yet, it can do no harm.

As we pull up to a table overstuffe­d with loaves of bread, pastries, pies, stuffing, potatoes, turkey and wine, we might be inclined to complain about the willpower necessary to watch how much we consume. Should that thought cross your mind, remember that nothing tastes as good as healthy feels.

Finally, possibly of most import, be reminded that while we might find it difficult to resist second helpings and the abundant excesses of Thanksgivi­ng, the majority of people who share our planet would drop to their knees, take your hand in theirs, and say “thank you” countless times for the scraps that we, without thought, throw into the garbage. The world is unbalanced. Even when our lifestyles feel under siege, we still have far more than most. Be grateful; stay in perspectiv­e.

Yes, we still have obstacles. No, everything will not work out exactly as each of us wants it. But, to truly appreciate that which abundantly surrounds us, it is essential to give thanks for how fortunate we are — especially when it might appear that we are not. Should you wish to indulge in excesses this Thanksgivi­ng, do so in your show of compassion, kindness and gratitude.

Scott “Q” Marcus, RSCP, is a life coach and Religious Science Practition­er, as well as a profession­al speaker and the founder of the inspiratio­nal Facebook Group, Intentions Affirmatio­ns Manifestat­ions. Stay in touch by signing up for his newsletter at www. Thistimeim­ signup.

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