The Ukiah Daily Journal

For Porter


In September 2023, long time California Senator Dianne Feinstein died in office at the age of 89, and for the first time since 1992 her name will not appear on the ballot in the upcoming California primary election on March 5th, 2024. While there is no shortage of vanity candidates vying for this open seat (27 to be exact), only 4 have realistic ambitions: Democratic Congresswo­man Barbara Lee, Democratic Congresswo­man Katie Porter, Democratic Congressma­n Adam Schiff and Republican former profession­al baseball player Steve Garvey.

In California we have what is called a “jungle primary” in which the top two vote getters regardless of party face off against each other in the November general election. The most recent polling indicates that Adam Schiff has a commanding lead and that Katie Porter and Steve Garvey are in a virtual tie for second place.

In my view, Katie Porter is by far and away the best candidate in this field. In her three terms as a US Congresswo­man, Porter has been a staunch advocate for middle class Americans and a fierce opponent of corporate greed and power. Her famous white-board take-downs of corrupt corporate executives at Congressio­nal hearings are the stuff of legend. And perhaps most important of all, Porter takes no campaign contributi­ons from corporate Political Action Committees (PACS), choosing instead to fund her campaign entirely from small dollar donations made by regular folks like us. That's how you know she's going to work for us, not for the corporate elites. None of the other three major candidates can say this, including front runner Adam Schiff.

For Katie Porter to beat out corporate Republican Steve Garvey for second place so she can face off against corporate Democrat Adam Schiff in November, she needs the vote of every California­n who wants to be represente­d by a Senator who works for the people. For the first time in 32 years, we California­ns have the opportunit­y to fill this Senate seat with a true champion of the people. Make sure your voice is heard on March 5th; vote Katie Porter for US Senate.

— Jon Spitz, Laytonvill­e

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