The Ukiah Daily Journal

Manager is getting menaced at work


DEAR AMY >> I am a manager at my job.

Last June, a new employee transferre­d from a different unit. She was very upset the first couple of days. She also had a fear of reporting to her new supervisor (not me) because she thought she “looked mean.”

I explained how I manage and how our team works. She was appreciati­ve.

She started bringing me breakfast in the morning. I asked her to stop several times, but she continued to bring me food gifts and other types of gifts, leaving them on my desk. This was completely unwanted.

Again, I asked her to stop, but this continued.

In December, she got promoted. I was elated because she would be gone from my area and I wouldn't have to deal with it anymore.

However, she has started to visit my office when I'm not there and leaving me little gifts.

Again, I asked her to stop.

Last week she made a surprise lunchtime visit to my office, which is in a totally different building on a different side of town.

She drove all the way over to where I work to “say hi.” I told her I appreciate­d this, but that I needed to get back to work.

She said she felt disrespect­ed and then wrote me a very long email saying that she didn't understand why we couldn't be friends and was wondering why I keep rejecting her.

She also said she believes that I am intimidate­d by her and that I am jealous of her self-confidence, that I'm jealous of the things that she does, the way she carries herself, and the fact that she's younger than me.

She has sent me notes and letters where she said that I'm very fragile, saying that she knew that I needed her to take care of me.

I just don't know how to get this lady to leave me alone.

I'm a straight woman and not into her at all. I don't need any more friends.

I feel like I'm being stalked. The sappy, needy emails and letters that she writes are just too much for me.

I am tired of this. What should I do? Should I go to HR?

— Manager in Texas

DEAR MANAGER >> Yes, you should go to HR immediatel­y. You probably should have gone a long time ago. This person seems to be “single white female-ing” you (look it up) — becoming more manipulati­ve and obsessive over time. You have attempted to get her to stop several times, and she has not respected your reasonable boundaries.

Print out every communicat­ion she has sent you and go to HR right away. You don't know if she has behaved this way toward other people in the company, but her behavior toward you seems to have taken a menacing turn, and it is alarming.

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