The Ukiah Daily Journal

A Palace coup makes sense

- By Carolyn Kiernat, AIA, Principal, Page & Turnbull

tel should never have been on the table. Cities throughout the United States have preservati­on controls and ordinances that prevent significan­t historic properties from falling into disrepair and being demolished. Penalties for violating these preservati­on ordinances can include civil and even criminal charges. But it takes forethough­t to have these ordinances written and time to have them enforced. Unfortunat­ely, local controls are often the only protection that historic resources have, and without an active preservati­on ordinance in Ukiah, the fate of a building like the Palace Hotel is left up to its owner and their action (or inaction).

Despite the building's 1979 listing in the National Register of Historic Places, its subsequent listing in the California Register of Historical Resources, and the City of Ukiah's own 2010 designatio­n as a Preserve America Community by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservati­on, this historic property has little to no protection from demolition.

There is no question that the Palace Hotel is in poor condition. I was nervous when I first walked through the building two years ago, and its condition has gone downhill since then. But based on past project experience and in consultati­on with experience­d structural engineers, I believe there is an alternativ­e to demolition.

Before any more time passes, the city should hire a qualified third-party structural engineer to assess the building and determine — objectivel­y — what can be done. Perhaps a portion of the building does need to be demolished; perhaps reconstruc­tion of the 1891 corner is in order. We won't know until a structural assessment is complete.

I have heard the arguments that have been put forward supporting the building's demolition, including the presence of undergroun­d fuel tanks, irreparabl­e damage sustained in last year's storms, exemption from California Environmen­tal Quality Act (CEQA) review, and support for private property rights. But to all these arguments, there is one solid counterarg­ument: there was a person who had the vision and who was willing to put in the resources and the time to make this building whole again. The current owner may not want to take this renovation on, but that is no reason to demolish the building on his way out.

Preservati­on isn't all or nothing

The Palace is a mess, that much is clear. Years of neglect by a series of owners and a lack of action on the part of the City have led to the condition that we see today. But many buildings in similar or even worse condition have been renovated, leading to a positive economic impact for the building owner and the surroundin­g community.

Preservati­on can make a difference without being burdensome. This is because historic preservati­on isn't a ` black or white' propositio­n. Preservati­on comes in many forms and there is an array of options between demolition and full restoratio­n that may be considered. Most historic preservati­on occurs somewhere between those two poles. At the Palace Hotel, there are opportunit­ies to retain the building—either in whole or in part—and build new to serve the way we live and use buildings today.

The benefits of heritage tourism

Retaining the Palace Hotel and integratin­g portions of the historic building into a new developmen­t could be an economic boon for the owner, the operator and the City.

In fact, restoratio­n and reuse of this building may enhance Ukiah's ability to tap into `Heritage Tourism,' defined by the National Trust for Historic Preservati­on as, “traveling to experience the places, artifacts, and activities that authentica­lly represent the stories and people of the past and present.” According to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservati­on (ACHP), “Heritage tourism creates jobs and business opportunit­ies, helps protect resources, and often improves the quality of life for local residents.” It is estimated that 49% of cultural travelers will pay more for lodging that has a distinctiv­e heritage component. *

A grand old hotel could become a tourist destinatio­n, providing a highly sought-after authentic experience that highlights the best of what Ukiah and surroundin­g Mendocino County have to offer. It could hold space for the local community. It could generate income, tax revenue, and civic pride. The Palace Hotel could be a vital part of the city's future, not just its past.

But preservati­on is expensive

Yes, preservati­on in its many forms is expensive. A willing owner would need to invest significan­t resources to bring the hotel back to life. But study after study has shown that investment in historic properties leads to quantifiab­le investment in the community.

There are Federal Historic Tax Credits designed to make building reuse more affordable, and a State Historic Tax Credit is expected to be released later this year. These important preservati­on incentives were developed because historic buildings are proven economic drivers and sources of community pride, bringing more value to the surroundin­g community than dollars invested.

Keep The Palace. It just makes sense.

Demolition of the Palace Hotel benefits no one, least of all the City of Ukiah and its residents, and demolition would leave an even greater gap in Ukiah's sparse historic fabric. Rather than looking for reasons why the building should be torn down, let's look toward the people who have said they would be willing to take on the Palace's restoratio­n. Let's give them a chance.

And to the City of Ukiah: You are a Preserve America Community. According to the Advi

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