The Ukiah Daily Journal

How to know if stay-at-home is a reasonable solution

- Mary invites you to visit her at EverydayCh­eapskate. com, where this column is archived complete with links and resources for all recommende­d products and services. She also invites questions and comments at https://www. everydaych­eapskate. com/contact/,

DEAR CHEAPSKATE >> With two little boys, my husband and I are paying through the roof for daycare. It seems like almost all the money I earn goes to child care, so I've been thinking of quitting my job and staying home with the kids. I'm enthusiast­ic at the thought of spending more time with them, but I also want to be sure my family will be OK financiall­y. Is there an easy way to make sure the decision is right for us? — Monica, Pennsylvan­ia

DEAR MONICA >> I think you're on to something. But before you make any rash decisions, do this: Write down a figure that represents your monthly net (take-home) pay.

Now deduct from that all of your work-related costs, including day care, transporta­tion, clothes, lunches, gifts, office supplies and anything else you can come up with that would go away if you stay at home. But wait, there's more.

Consider all the expenses you have because you work, like more fast food, take- out and restaurant meals because you're too tired to cook. Do you hire help for the yard work or houseclean­ing? If you are home, there's a good chance you can do those jobs and reduce your expenses even further.

You may be shocked to discover it's actually costing you to hold down a job because you're paying out more than you earn. Unless you make a whopping big salary, there's a high likelihood you will be better off financiall­y by being at home with your kids where you can also cook, clean and perhaps garden, too.


In the past, I have always donated my unwanted clothing to charity, but with 2-year- old twin daughters who are outgrowing their clothes faster than I can change their diapers, money is tight. I'd like to bring their old things to a consignmen­t shop to earn a little extra cash. Can you give me some tips on how to make the most money? — Priscilla, Texas

DEAR PRISCILLA >> Sure, I can help! First, make a list of the children's consignmen­t shops in your area. One chain I know well is Once Upon a Child, which may be a good place to start, should there be one near you. Next, do some research.

Each shop will have its own unique policies on which types and conditions of items they accept. Find out the terms, i.e., once an item sells, how will they split the proceeds with you? Do they accept gently worn items or only pristine? Must clothes arrive in dry cleaner bags or freshly laundered?

Once you have all the facts, decide which shop you will try first. Make sure your items fit the store's criteria, then make your first delivery. Keep careful records. Many shops have a policy that what doesn't sell is given to charity unless you pick up the item in a timely manner.

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