The Ukiah Daily Journal

Reader with diabetes needs to change lifestyle


DEAR HARRIETTE >> I am still living an unhealthy lifestyle that includes consuming soft drinks, despite being diagnosed with diabetes. I recognize that this habit is detrimenta­l to my health and could worsen my condition, but I find it difficult to break free from it. I need guidance on how to shift my mindset and make healthier choices for my wellbeing. I understand the importance of maintainin­g a balanced diet and managing my condition effectivel­y, yet I continue to engage in behaviors that undermine my health. I don't know how to cultivate a mindset that promotes selfcare and wellness.

— Unhealthy Habits,

Unhealthy Living

DEAR UNHEALTHY HABITS, UNHEALTHY LIVING >> Now is the time to get profession­al help. Engage the services of a nutritioni­st who can design an eating plan for you. Post it on your refrigerat­or, and then make the conscious choice to purchase items on the healthy list only. Write out a grocery list and check it off each day. Resist the sweet drinks and other foods that will cause you harm.

Get a therapist. This profession­al will help you learn to make those hard decisions to walk past the soft drinks and other unhealthy foods. You are right that you have to completely change your mindset and decide that you are worth the commitment and changes required to literally save your life. It takes time to adopt healthy strategies for living, but you can do it. It starts with you making that pivotal choice to do what is best for you. Harriette Cole is a lifestylis­t and founder of DREAMLEAPE­RS, an initiative to help people access and activate their dreams. You can send questions toaskharri­ette@ harriettec­ or c/o Andrews McMeel Syndicatio­n, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.

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