The Ukiah Daily Journal

Job shopper asks for frequent references


DEAR AMY >> “Liz” and I worked together for a short time nearly 20 years ago. She was excellent at her work and was an officer in a national organizati­on in our field.

We have not seen one another in years. We've spoken on the phone one time in the last six years.

A decade ago, I spoke with an old colleague and recommende­d her to work at a firm I worked at 30 years ago. Liz got the job and was fired within weeks; I am not aware of the reason.

Liz has changed jobs A LOT. She apparently has difficulty holding a job, and often will send a text informing me that she has listed me as a reference for a new applicatio­n.

Responding to her subsequent requests, I have answered questionna­ires, spoken with Human Resources on the phone, and reached out to colleagues at various hiring firms.

Several weeks ago, she contacted me yet again, asking for a reference for a job at a preeminent firm where I have had close contacts for decades.

The position was great, interestin­g, and with good benefits.

She got the job, and has now lost that job.

I found this out when she texted me and told me she had given my phone number to someone at a new opportunit­y, who would be calling me.

My concern is not only that I am referring someone whom I haven't worked with for many years, but I have no knowledge of her recent work, or the reasons she changes jobs so often.

In referring her to old colleagues and friends, am I messing up my own reputation when these situations don't work out for whatever reason?

With so many failures after my recommenda­tions are given, maybe I'm not the right person to be providing references.

What do you think I should do?

— Stunningly Good References ` NOT!

DEAR GOOD REFERENCES >> If all “Liz” has to do to get a great reference from you is to supply your phone number and then shoot you a text, then you sound like the perfect mark.

You have been extremely generous in assisting this person, but at this point you are devaluing your own personal and profession­al currency when your own experience with her is ancient and yet you continue to recommend her for jobs when you know ( by now) that — based on her extensive track record — she will not succeed.

When you receive the next text from Liz, you could reply: “I've provided many references for you over the years, but my work experience with you was so brief and so long ago that I am no longer able to provide any kind of helpful reference. Please don't supply my phone number to any more potential employers.”

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