The Union Democrat

A slave to narcissism


To the Editor:

It's no joke.

First, a little historical background: The so-called Justinian Plague of the mid-sixth century claimed as many as four million lives; the mid-14th century Black Death killed 25 million people, one-third of Europe's population; the flu pandemic of 19181920 eradicated upwards of 100 million lives.

These are real numbers, and then, like now, there was neither a preventive nor a cure for any of them.

The following are also authentic numbers: According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), as of July 9, the coronaviru­s has infected 3,106,931 people in America and has taken the lives of 132,855. These numbers will continue to rise.

As a indication of a mere shadow of his incredible ignorance and absolute lack of leadership, our president has commented that:

“We have it totally under control.” “One day, it's like a miracle, it will disappear.”

“This is a very contagious virus . . . . But it's something that we have tremendous control over.”


No wearing of masks? No social distancing? Paying little or no attention to the recommenda­tions of our top scientific and medical experts? Of course not, because Trump and only Trump has all the answers.

President Trump has been a slave to his narcissism throughout his life. Indeed, narcissist­s like him are beyond all criticism; they can`t apply external input to improve themselves. That`s why they always look for the source of a problem outside of themselves.

This is no joke: Our president is literally killing us.

However, with the support of an informed and concerned electorate Trump will be history come next November. Irwin Schwartz


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