The Union Democrat

Where is the compassion?


To the Editor:

More times than not throughout American history the people of this great nation rose up to face the disasters of their time whether it be manmade or natural. People came together, helped one another, putting their difference­s aside so good could overcome evil. The best of humanity shined through even in the darkness.

These months of COVID-19 are not producing the inspiring examples of our past. The people of Tuolumne County are constantly arguing over the use of face masks. Some are demanding we be like other places that enforce masks yet their rates are in the thousands. People who choose not to wear masks due to informed, educated decisions are seen as unpatrioti­c, self-centered, unkind, and have a desire to harm others. How sad this is.

Is patriotism and compassion expressed in demands for businesses to be punished, ugly looks, and hateful remarks? Is causing people to lose their jobs, their homes, hope, and the closing of churches, and a connection with one another showing the best of humanity? Suicide deaths during these past few months have surpassed the death rates of Covid-19, does anyone care ?

Since when does putting cloth or paper over our mouths determine a person's selfworth ? It is scientific­ally proven that viruses can go through porcelain. There are harmful effects of wearing a mask. Too many have drunk the Kool-aid of control and confusion.

Let love and understand­ing triumph. The Bible says, “So then, my beloved brethren let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath, for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousn­ess of God.” James 1 : 19-20

Jenny Finney Twain Harte

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