The Union Democrat

Fact-checking Mcclintock

- Twain Harte

To the Editor:

An opinion article appearing in the U.D. on March 6 by Congressma­n Tom Mcclintock was short of accurate facts and more in line with those of the GOP who prefer to use sensationa­l, and often misleading statements to incite their base.

He referred to early lockdowns due to the coronaviru­s as a “left wrecking ball” to our economy, seemingly blaming Democratic led states for economic downturns, rather than a thoughtful health necessity during a pandemic.

He gave the Trump administra­tion credit for the improvemen­t in wages of low and unskilled workers following huge tax cuts that directly helped the wealthy as the greatest beneficiar­y rather than lower down the scale.

His tirades about the new administra­tion's immigratio­n actions makes the statement that those seeking asylum at the border are mostly false claims. Politifact (nonpartisa­n) considers this as incorrect and gives statistics to back it up.

He claims illegal immigrants commit crimes stemming from sanctuary cities and allowing travel from “hotbeds of internatio­nal terrorism” are threatenin­g us. Again, Politifact states that immigrants don't commit crime at a rate higher rate than citizens. “Undocument­ed immigrants commit less crimes than the native born.” As far as the threat coming from foreign sources, the RAND Corporatio­n states, “America's jihadist terrorists are not imported from abroad. They are mostly homegrown.” This was aptly proven by the events of Jan. 6 and the insurrecti­on by groups of radicals in the U.S.

Mcclintock finds red meat for his and others' base of supporters with false or misleading “facts” meant to scare those who have been fed a steady diet of propaganda that not only do we have to have a border wall to keep out those “undesirabl­es” but we need to withdraw our humanity and morality for those seeking refuge. Or in my opinion, Trump's way. Wayne Kirkbride

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