The Union Democrat

Open borders

- Jim Costello Sonora

To the Editor:

Let's assume for a moment you own a home (most likely with a mortgage) in a nice town on a quiet street. You are not White, Brown, Black, or Asian. You are an American. One day, your mayor says to the folks in the homeless camps outside of town that they are welcome to go to your home and you will let them in. You say to the mayor, “This is my home, I worked hard for it and my family is safe here.” The major says, “Well, you can try to resist, but if they make it past your front door, then you have to let them stay. But you should be happy because they will cook for you, mow your lawn, and wash your clothes. But of course, you'll have to feed them, pay them $15 per hour, provide them with health care and make sure they get an education.” I say, “I can't afford to do this and take care of my family, too. And what if they bring drugs into my home or steal from me? Will the police send them back to where they came from?” To this the mayor says, “Oh sorry, we are defunding the police.” You are on your own.

Writer's note: This little parody is not intended to offend our homeless population. We should help them as much as possible. But rather, to point out the very misguided idea that we should let anyone into our country without some form of organized immigratio­n policy and just let the chips fall where they may. The fact is we should take the money and horsepower used to care for illegal immigrants and find ways to enhance the lives of homeless Americans.

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