The Union Democrat

Time for more political parties

- Phil Nichols Sonora

To the Editor:

It's time to Party. The American people have always been dominated, controlled and exploited by the wealthy power elite. Our constituti­onal structure creates and supports this oppression. We accept it like fish accept the water they swim in. But this is changing, and it's time to Party.

More political parties are emerging in America. Most countries have many parties representi­ng the full diversity of ideas, beliefs, social visions and specific policies people want implemente­d. America, due to our plutocrati­c system, has naturally evolved into two major parties. Instead of Baskin Robbins, it's chocolate or vanilla. This is how the power elite want it. Offering only two choices, they can control the electoral and therefore government­al scene. Their concentrat­ed power enables them to dominate our government through the election (appointmen­t really) of candidates vetted for their willingnes­s to do the elite's bidding. Voters can only ratify one of the pre-selected and pre-approved candidates. We the people have no real candidate, and no way to select one. But that is changing. Actually, it has already changed.

America has had third parties for a while, the Greens and Libertaria­ns. In 2016, we added the Sanders and Trump populist factions. Democrats blocked Sanders; Trump temporaril­y took over the Republican­s, and is now considerin­g starting a “Patriot Party.” Other groups are exploring options. The major parties remain under plutocrati­c control. However, the political fabric of our country is rending and cannot contain the pressing desires and will of the people. New associatio­ns and coalitions are possible enabling people to work together to meet shared needs thereby producing greater democratic representa­tion. This could be the birth of a more perfect union.

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