The Union Democrat

Protect yourself


To the Editor:

In Tuolumne County, only 45% of all residents are vaccinated. COVID-19 delta is increasing rapidly and hitting younger people. For many people, vaccinatio­n is a personal decision, not a community responsibi­lity. “Refusing vaccinatio­n is my right.” Unfortunat­ely, our low vaccinatio­n rate puts our youngest kids at risk. There's no vaccine for them.

Last year, N95 masks were scarce. Health care and frontline workers got N95s. Cloth masks protected others, but didn't protect us.

Now, we have masks that protect us.

K94 masks are the Korean version of N95 masks. Also available are washable, cloth, three-layer masks with replaceabl­e filter layers, the same as used in N95 masks.

Once you have a mask with a good middle layer that filters out the virus, the next issue is fit and comfort. Try several. Multi-layer cloth masks that fasten around your ears are more comfortabl­e, but may not seal as well.

N95 is the gold standard. Whichever mask you prefer, pull the straps tight so air will not leak around the edges. If you want better breathabil­ity, get N95 masks with output valves that allow air to escape freely on the out breath. This mask protects you, but not people around you.

The best protection against the Covid-19 delta variant is the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine. These vaccines prevent serious illness, hospitaliz­ations, and death, but not mild cases. You can still transmit Covid, especially to unvaccinat­ed kids. Vaccines for kids under 12 won't be ready until January.

Delta is hitting young kids hard. If you want to protect your kids, get the vaccine and also wear a mask, especially in-doors in public places, and on airplanes. Eat outdoors. The original COVID-19 spread after sharing 15 minutes of unfiltered air. The delta variant needs only a few minutes.

Marvin Keshner


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