The Union Democrat

An outbreak of hubris


To the Editor:

If Tuolumne County is facing a COVID risk factor level of very high (as of Aug. 21), and our hospital is being overwhelme­d with an average of 36 new cases a day, and doctors and nurses are publicly pleading for residents to get vaccinated — what could be wrong? Current deaths now average one a day. Doesn't sound like too much, you say. But consider we live in a county with a relatively small population of about 55,000. Consider that only 41.6% of us are fully vaccinated.

There appears to be another outbreak besides COVID-19. The other is hubris; the demonstrat­ion of excessive pride, conceit and confidence.

Early vaccinatio­ns, offered months ago to the over 65 age group, were widely accepted and appreciate­d. The converse of that we are seeing now, is that the lower age groups in our county have not taken the shots in high enough numbers and are now susceptibl­e to the virus. Now with the delta strain of virus, being more contagious and potentiall­y more deadly, we are witness to many who have no excuse other than hubris or plain ignorance of facts and science that threatens the rest.

The Darwin Awards — a real thing, with its own committee — reviews stories annually of people who, by their actions, have taken themselves out of the gene pool of evolution, thus presumably improving humankinds' evolution. Example: The guy who decided to use dynamite for an ice fishing hole with disastrous results. Those who've chosen not to get vaccinated because “it's their right to choose and/or to wear a mask” could be candidates for this award. Too bad it not only affects the dimwitted, but those who come in contact with the carrier of the virus.

Prove to the rest of us, you're not that selfish.

Wayne Kirkbride

Twain Harte

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