The Union Democrat

Lies over facts


To the Editor:

The first hearing of the House select committee investigat­ing the Jan. 6 insurrecti­on focused on the emotional testimony of four Capitol police officers who desperatel­y tried to defend the Capitol against the attack. They gave first-hand accounts of being overran, assaulted, and called “traitors” by rioters.

Prominent Republican­s, such as Mitch Mcconnell, said they had better things to do than to watch it. Neither did millions of Trump followers who depend on hard-right news channels to inform them.

There were three major television news networks when I grew up with anchors David Brinkley, Chet Huntley (NBC), Walter Cronkite (CBS), and Frank Reynolds (ABC).

They reported news in an unbiased manner regardless of their opinion. Their “just the facts” delivery was matter of fact, even dull. They told it straight without hyperbole, supported by the Fairness Doctrine

Conservati­ves complained this discrimina­ted against them so they changed the narrative when the FCC, under President Reagan, dumped the Fairness Doctrine in 1987. This freed conservati­ve media to favor biased, emotionall­y charged, ideology over fair and unbiased reporting. As a result, Fox News has been forced to rely more on sensationa­lism as growing numbers of Trump followers switch to Newsmax and One America News.

This evolved into a generation brought up to embrace conspiracy theories over reality, lies over facts, and manufactur­ed political garbage over science. They follow the hard-right black hole of disinforma­tion on right-wing media and online forums.

Robert Dorroh


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