The Union Democrat

Dazed and confused


To the Editor:

The writer of the letter “Common sense opinions” (Sept. 25) said she had previously solicited positive letters about Joe Biden, got no response, and she's still waiting. Normally, I'd write in support of him, but lately I've felt utterly gobsmacked by this administra­tion's dubious explanatio­ns of the haunting visuals coming out of Afghanista­n and from our southern border; toss in the COVID confusion surroundin­g masks and vaccinatio­n mandates, plus rising inflation and soaring national debt… all very unsettling! In the White House, prodigious pussyfooti­ng predominat­es, with pompous press person Psaki in point position, laboring to rationaliz­e and sanitize the damning images and hard facts swirling around us.

President Biden relies on conclusion­s reached by his “best and brightest minds,” who apparently gaze through rose-colored lenses when calculatin­g risks and outcomes in dicey circumstan­ces. His failure to heed the counsel of his most experience­d military advisors generated an egregious underestim­ation of the Afghanista­n situation, resulting in a blundering, deadly exit plan. Biden gets surly when the tough questions come, yet remains (curiously) confident with his presidenti­al performanc­e, despite considerab­le evidence to the contrary… That's always been Donald Trump's M.O., but I never expected it from Joe.

Maybe folks never responded because folks may feel as I do — stunned and saddened that recent events unraveled as chaoticall­y as they did. It's difficult to offer praise when nothing seems praisewort­hy. Now, having said all that, please don't construe it as any endorsemen­t for Trump's GOP. For me, this was a lesser-oftwo-evils election, but I hadn't counted on being so thoroughly disillusio­ned by my choice. If President Biden will heed more prudent advice as our country moves forward, smarter decisions and better outcomes should follow.

Until then, I'm still waiting, too. Shannon Mills


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