The Union Democrat

He bought it despite the evidence


John Adams said, “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinatio­ns, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”

Sometimes, though, recognizin­g the evidence is the hard part. Against four hearts, West leads a club to East's ace, and East shifts to a spade: jack, queen, ace. What now?

North's three-club rebid was fourth-suit game-forcing. His jump to four hearts was a mild slam-try. (If he was interested only in game, he would have rebid four hearts, not three clubs. If wishing to make a serious slam-try, he would have bid three hearts over three diamonds.)

Declarer should crossruff. He discards a diamond on the club queen, ruffs a spade, pitches a spade on the diamond ace, ruffs a diamond, ruffs a club, ruffs a diamond and ruffs a spade. When West cannot overruff, South ruffs his last diamond and takes one more trump trick. He loses only one club and two hearts.

However, our opponent adopted a slightly different approach. After a club to the ace, a spade to the ace, the club queen, a spade ruff and the diamond ace, South played a heart to the queen. My wife (East) defended beautifull­y by playing low smoothly. Declarer was deceived. He ruffed a spade and led another heart, but East took her two trump tricks and returned a club. Now the contract went down two because I collected both the diamond king and club jack.

What evidence did South miss?

When West didn't overruff at trick seven, surely he did not have a trump.

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