The Union Democrat

Generals to the rescue?


To the Editor:

Three retired generals recently called on us to defend against a potential takeover by undemocrat­ic forces in future elections.

While I wholeheart­edly agree with that goal, it still strikes me as a terribly wrong idea.

The military serves as the government orders them. It must not have the power to influence the results of an election. Any attempt to change that, I'm afraid to say, is a trap set by authoritar­ian groups.

That's also true for the states' National Guards. They are not at the disposal of the federal government's political goals.

The only real power in the United States of America is “We, the People.” In other words, you and me. Remember this at all future elections.

We are in charge. We just have to use our power at all the forthcomin­g elections.

Klaus Kraemer


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