The Union Democrat

Whose side is Tucker on?


To the Editor:

Putin-apologist Tucker Carlson and his Fox Noise disciples want the U.S. to stop American aid to Ukraine. Why? Well, Tuck says that “America and the UK demand total war with Russia, regime change war with Russia and of course, the Ukrainians, caught in the middle, had no choice but to concede… We are funding this war. We could end it.” He calls Ukrainian

President Zelenskyy “a corrupt Eastern European authoritar­ian leader in a T-shirt.”

Really? And poor, misunderst­ood Vlad the Invader is his good guy in this war?

It’s hard to fathom whether ol’ Tuck and his fans are really that naive, or whether he is somehow on the Kremlin payroll.

As a reminder, here are some of Putin’s greatest hits:

Mikhail Lesin, who founded the English-language television network Russia Today ( RT) was found dead in a Washington, D.C., hotel room in November 2015. Alexander Litvinenko, a former KGB agent, died after drinking a cup of tea that had been laced with deadly polonium-210. Anna Politkovsk­aya, a Russian journalist who was critical of Putin, was murdered by contract killers who shot her at point-blank range.

Boris Nemtsov, a former deputy Russian prime minister who became a big critic of Putin, was shot four times in the back, yards from the Kremlin. Putin tried to kill opposition leader Alexey Navalny and failed — but did get him sent to the gulag.

And how about what Putin has done to the people of Ukraine: Invading a sovereign country and rewarding his soldiers who rape and murder civilians, destroying infrastruc­ture so that civilians will suffer through the coming winter, and destroying cities like Mariupol.

Maybe Tuck never heard of Munich, Chamberlai­n, Hitler and appeasemen­t. But Putin is the guy in whom Fox Noise and Tucker Carlson want us to believe. And Tucker waves our flag? Gary Sipperley

Twain Harte

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