The Union Democrat

A few realities


To the Editor:

I was in the medical profession from 1960 to 1993. Here’s a partial list of pregnancy (Pg)-related cases:

Ectopic pregnancie­s were not uncommon. Two left with ongoing health issues. Breech birth complicati­ons. Pre-eclampsia, hypertensi­on during PG, heart attack or stroke during birth process. Uterine rupture with hemorrhagi­ng. Acutely or chronicall­y ill women but ongoing treatment stopped to avoid harm to baby. Most survived with worsened condition, some dying soon after birth. Mothers with congenital conditions. Certainly right to love but birth control failed. Survival with ongoing post-birth complicati­ons not uncommon.

Young assault victims’ bodies not fully developed. C-section required. Where top concern is profit, if necessary treatment is ”unlawful” does insurance company deny medical care?

Who pays for rape/incest C-section, genital surgical repair of damaged tissue, bleeding, organ injury, extra care after complicate­d pregnancy and/or birth: support of infant resulting from rape/incest for 18plus years? Ongoing mental, physical, emotional support therapy? Woman/infant where husband divorces her as she bore “a defective baby!” When woman’s immune system incorrectl­y reacts to PG causing symptoms leaving her very ill, therapeuti­c abortion (AB) prescribed, husband refuses. She becomes worse, he says “do it,” but too late and he divorces her as he is “too young to have a crippled wife!” Counseling for marriage where husband says he just cannot look at his wife the same way after she’s been raped, or for the wife who recoils at husbands touch, fearing all male interactio­n?

Some have not the slightest clue about sexuality, STDS, collateral issues and should be required to attend extensive educationa­l classes before spouting the dumbest remarks ever on the subject! Recent comments from males in other states (online) are beneath any level of intelligen­ce seen in my nearly eight decades! Question: Ehat if it was their wife, daughter, sister, mother? Loretta Bodiford


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