The Union Democrat

Gifts of Love: Creating memories and teaching values with family

- Dear Annie Lesson for Kids Send your questions for Annie Lane to

DEAR READERS: Many of you wrote in with tips on encouragin­g children to focus less on material items. Thank you for sharing these terrific suggestion­s. Here are some of my favorite letters:

DEAR ANNIE: I just read your letter from “Caught in the Middle,” the parent whose daughter is be‑ ing spoiled by her grandparen­ts and is looking for a polite way to call off the gifts. The letter writer should follow your advice and en‑ courage her mother to start giving memories instead of presents. She should get on the floor with her granddaugh­ter and play with her. Whether it’s having a tea party or building a fort or going to the zoo, those are the things her grand‑ daughter will remember. She won’t remember the gifts after a week or two, but memories of play dates and special times with her grand‑ ma? She’ll remember those always.

My grandson has a family mem‑ ber who always gives gifts, and sometimes it’s hard when I don’t do that. But I’m determined to give him memories that will last. When he remembers how he pet the baby deer at the deer farm, he’ll remember that we took him there. Or how we were at every sporting event that he’s played in, being his loudest supporters. He often brings up some of the things we’ve done. That’s when I know we’ve done the right thing.

Grammy life is the best life.

—‑Memories Forever


Many years ago, my grandfathe­r insisted on gifting us something on every visit. This was in addition to tak‑ ing us for treats and to the park to play. He also kept a change jar, and while we would hold our hands over a bag, he’d pour change until it overflowed in our hands.

My mom tempered the generos‑ ity by letting us keep an age‑appro‑ priate amount to spend and taking us to the bank to deposit the rest in our savings accounts.

I’ll always remember my grand‑ father’s generosity, but I also re‑ member my mom teaching us to save. Maybe this would help this family, too.

When we got overloaded with toys at Christmas, we chose several to keep and donated the rest to kids less fortunate or the local Y.

I am 66 years old and very grate‑ ful for these early experience­s. They taught me thrift, empathy and compassion and have kept me well‑grounded through the years! ‑ Feeling Compassion

DEAR ANNIE: I must preface my comment with the fact that I am a 64‑year‑old woman who has been reading advice columns in newspapers since I was a teenager. I continue to learn while reading these columns, but every once in a while, I see a very black‑and‑white answer to what seems a complicat‑ ed situation.

If “Caught in the Middle” can‑ not get her mother‑in‑law to stop giving gifts, then she should accept them graciously.

My niece has dealt with this by talking to her now 5‑ and 8‑year‑ old daughters and telling them they can only have as many toys or “stuffies” as can fit in the huge toy box in their room. As the toy box begins to overflow, they make deci‑ sions on what toys they are willing to give to other children. Plenty of charities are looking for “newer” toys.

There are variations on how this can be done, but it teaches children that when they are blessed with an abundance of things, it can feel good to give to children who don’t have as much as they do. This will keep the grandmothe­r happy, as the daughter‑in‑law will stop nag‑ ging her, and peace will prevail.

Thanks for your column. —

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