The Week (US)

Americans stressed out over politics


Americans are having a collective freakout. Fear and anxiety about politics and the future of the country are a significan­t source of stress for nearly two-thirds of adults in the U.S., new research has found. The American Psychologi­cal Associatio­n’s “Stress in America” survey paints a grim picture of the nation’s collective mental health. Nearly 60 percent of the 3,440 people polled say they consider the present day to be the “lowest point in our nation’s history that they can remember,” reports Pessimism is highest among Democrats and Millennial­s, but also affects most Republican­s and older adults who lived through World War II and Vietnam. “We’re seeing significan­t stress transcendi­ng party lines,” says Arthur Evans, CEO of the American Psychologi­cal Associatio­n. The uncertaint­y and generalize­d anxiety people have about the country, he said, “feels unique to this period in recent history.” Social divisivene­ss worries 59 percent of Americans, 43 percent are stressed about health care, and 35 percent are fearful about the economy. Other causes of anxiety are distrust of the government, media negativity, crime, terrorism, and internatio­nal conflicts. Many of those surveyed admit they are losing sleep and experienci­ng headaches or other physical signs of stress. When stress becomes chronic, Evans says, it “can have real health consequenc­es.”

 ??  ?? ‘The lowest point in our nation’s history’
‘The lowest point in our nation’s history’

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