The Week (US)

What the columnists said

- Shannon Pettypiece Neil J.Young

President Trump’s defense of Kavanaugh is entirely based on “male victimhood,” said Jennifer Rubin in The Washington Post. At a rally in Mississipp­i this week, Trump mocked Blasey Ford’s testimony outright, adding that this is a “very scary time for young men” in America. This isn’t about Kavanaugh anymore. It’s about heeding the “primal scream” of a white, male GOP base that feels its power and prestige slipping away. Kavanaugh’s confirmati­on fight “has become a trial over masculinit­y itself,” said Jeet Heer in TheNewRepu­ To defend Kavanaugh, Republican­s are insisting that reports of his heavy drinking and belligeren­t behavior in high school and college only show he’s a typical guy, and are blaming the #MeToo movement for demonizing men.

Republican­s have a clear choice, said Jim Geraghty in National They either confirm Kavanaugh now, or bow in “total capitulati­on” to the Left’s agenda. Liberals are dying to make a scapegoat of a white male Catholic conservati­ve who belonged to an Ivy League frat and “just might be the deciding vote the next time there’s a legal challenge to Roe v. Wade.” Flake actually did Kavanaugh a favor, said David Marcus in TheFederal­ If the FBI comes back with nothing, which seems likely, it will deflate the allegation­s against him and restore Kavanaugh’s legitimacy as a Supreme Court justice. “That is no small thing.” President Trump is gambling that the Kavanaugh fight “will save his party’s control of Congress,” said in Republican­s have been heartened by polls showing that enthusiasm for the midterms has grown 12 percentage points among their voters since July. Trump is convinced that Kavanaugh represents “an untapped cultural undercurre­nt,” which is why you’re seeing him attacking his accusers outright. That could just as easily backfire, said in TheAtlanti­ President Trump’s net support among Republican women has dropped by 19 points since the allegation­s against Kavanaugh. Democrats now have a 28-point advantage among all women voters. Republican­s now lead by only 5 points among married, white, college-educated women, a key part of their coalition. “If those numbers hold, they may spell disaster for Republican­s in the upcoming midterm elections.”

This fight over this nomination completes the GOP’s transforma­tion into Trump’s party, said Josh Kraushaar in NationalJo­ Kavanaugh, a card-carrying member of the Bush-era Republican establishm­ent, embraced Trump’s no-holds-barred partisansh­ip in defending himself. Even anti-Trump conservati­ves have flocked to defend the judge, seeing it as an existentia­l struggle against left-wing smears. After this nomination fight and the November midterms are over, the political polarizati­on will only get worse. “Voters will be faced with a binary choice heading into 2020: Join the party of Trump or be part of the #Resistance.”

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