The Week (US)

It must be true...

I read it in the tabloids


■■ A married couple in New York were reunited with a wedding ring they lost three years ago, after a Fort Lauderdale restaurate­ur removed his outdoor deck to make way for increased to-go business. Ryan Krivoy, the manager of Coconuts eatery, was cleaning up the debris under the removed deck when he noticed “a bit of sparkle” in the dirt. He put the ring’s engraving—“Mike & Lisa 08-21-15”—on Facebook, and it led to a phone call from a Lisa in New

York. The ring, she said, had slipped off Mike’s “greasy fingers” when they were at Coconuts in 2017 and fallen through the floorboard­s.

■■ A south Texas emergency room doctor has taken up permanent residency in his children’s backyard tree house as a means of self-isolation. Dr. Jason Barnes, 39, has now spent three weeks sleeping in the ad hoc dwelling and says the cramped quarters are a small price to pay so that he can protect his family from the coronaviru­s. His kids, 6 and 9, are “within yelling distance” of his temporary home, Barnes said, so they don’t really miss him. They do, however, miss their tree house. “They love that thing,” he said, “but they understand.”

■■ A Japanese company has issued some 3,700 “marriage certificat­es” to men who’ve fallen in love with the animated holograms it produces. The Gatebox devices, which sell for $1,500, have artificial intelligen­ce and can talk to their “digi-sexual” owners. Akihiko Kondo, 36, spent $19,000 on a 40-guest faux wedding for his device, Miku. Alas, his family missed out on the big day. “For mother, it wasn’t something to celebrate,” he admitted.

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